May 15, 2008

Tagged: To Do List

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Yet another tag from Takki Jen. Here's a list of things I need to do...

1. EXERCISE. Ok fine, I don't need to lose weight, as some people have pointed out. But I think I need to tone my body a bit. I'm thinking of finally enrolling in Yoga Classes. Does anyone want to join me?
2. Check again the papers that have been littering around our house. Throw the unnecessary ones.
3. Have a pedicure or at least remove the nail color. They're chipped already!
4. Finalize our 50th birthday present to my Mom. That's sooo overdue, thanks to my sibs.
5. Comfort my sister who just broke up with her bf.
6. Finally have dinner at home with my friends. Yoohoo... Concon, Jen, Maricel, etc... can we please get on with our plans???
7. Revive my calendar of meals so that I don't waste the perishables that I keep on buying but end up not using....
8. Start planning for Eanna's first birthday party!
9. Spring cleaning. Give away clothes and shoes I no longer use.
10. Bring the car to a car spa and have it professionally cleaned. Hahaha.

Let me know what you need to do Concon, Vannie, Melissa, Karla, Che!


Jen said...

car spa?!??!!??!?!