May 17, 2008

Rediscovering Us

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I can be such a Drama Queen. A few days ago I have written in my other blog about Enrique and that he must've been from Mars because of his poor pick-up of me wanting to hear some lovey-dovey stuff from him. I should've let this pass but of course, being the DQ that I am, I had to follow-up by text-barraging him. I later realized what was really nagging me, and so I finally made a decision to let go of some of the misunderstandings we had and never to grave-dig again. He must have been very happy with my email to him about this, and since yesterday he has called me thrice and was very very sweet, and (YES!!!) lovey-dovey. I was half scared that he would remind me again about the car and that I should have the air conditioning compressor checked because last year the car gave me a scare when it kept on losing "power" (sorry I don't know how to describe it but the electricity seemed to fluctuate and engine acted as if it would die but didn't). But nope, he was just all mushy. Maybe my texts made him realize what I have been telling him all along. And maybe my last email made such an impact to him.

I'm not complaining though. In fact, I'm very very contented and pleased with these developments. You know, going back to our "old us."