Oct 26, 2010

Me and My Tin Whistles

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I have to admit, I have been blogging less because I rediscovered my favorite hobby during my "younger" years: playing the tin whistle!

For those who don't know, this is the definition of a tin whistle according to Wikipedia:

The tin whistle also called the penny whistle [1], English Flageolet, Scottish penny whistle, Tin Flageolet, Irish whistle and Clarke London Flageolet[2] is a simple six-holed woodwind instrument. It is an end blown fipple flute flageolet, putting it in the same category as the recorder, American Indian flute, and other woodwind instruments. A tin whistle player is called a tin whistler or whistler. The tin whistle is closely associated with Celtic music.
I used to collect tin whistles, buying them online using my mom's credit card.

My first tin whistle was this:

Walton's Little Black Whistle
Then got this Clare Brass Whistle

Then I got crazy and bought more:

Walton's Mellow D Whistle
Clarke's Celtic Tin Whistle (loved this!)
Clarke's Black Whistle

Generation Tin Whistle

And the most expensive one by Sindt:

Yes, I was a tin whistle addict. More information on tin whistles here at Chiff and Fipple.

Got these books too:

Unfortunately when I got married and moved to our own home, I was unable to get all of my whistles (too busy checking out wedding stuff like destination wedding dresses hehehehe as well as home decor). Actually, I only had 1 left, the Sindt whistle as I kept it with care and never used it, until now.

I commissioned my parents' helpers to look for all of my other tin whistles and will give them a bonus should they find them. I really hope that they find them. At least the Clarke Celtic Whistle. Please...

But in the meantime, the hubby surprised me with this gift:

Walton's Little Black Whistle Guiness version

Hubby, if you're reading this, if I can't find my tin whistles, can you reconstruct my collection for me? You're in Ireland and the UK anyways. Please?

But for now, I am relying on my Sindt whistle. Been practicing for days and I am slowly and painstakingly beginning to get my groove back.