Oct 30, 2009

Interior Design Course It Is!

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Finally, after being undecided on whether I should take up Fashion Design or interior Design, I chose to take the latter. Friend C is right, that it would be more practical for me to take it instead of a fashion design course. We'll see, maybe I could too after the other right?

but anyway, I am getting excited already with the thought of finally pursuing my long time plan of studying in PSID. you see, I have always wanted to study but due to my work, I could not do so. I even went as far as considering taking Saturday classes 9which means the period is around 2 years), but of course I didn't do it.

And now, my dreams are coming true. God really does answer prayers even if before it seemed impossible. So my plan for now is that I will stop purchasing furniture and other house decor, and will put first on renovating (e.g. use glass tile for our kitchen wall). I'll do this when I finish "formal education" hahaha.

The future is indeed exciting!

Christmas is Here?!?

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Here in the Philippines, Halloween is not yet around the corner but the Christmas spirit (at least in the malls) hover around at the start of the -BER months. Christmas jingles are heard everywhere, and Christmas decor are placed side by side with Halloween decor.

Last night, I went to national bookstore while waiting for my friend C, and lo and behold... christmas cards are on sale! I suddenly remembered that I should buy gift wrappers and stickers too. I still couldn't feel it though. Maybe it's just me, but i don't feel Christmas yet whiel Halloween is still not over. What about you?

Friday Fill-Ins #148


And...here we go!

1. It was a dark and stormy night, but the moon was full and eerie-looking.

2. Everyone was scared to return the overdue books from the library,  so I offered to take the books myself.

3. Rushing out, I got jolted by an ominous sound.

4. Trying to keep my calm, I just thought of a simple answer...I think I heard a howl!

5. Shhhh... I heard a whisper.

6. An old woman appeared and said... Trick or treat, smell my feet give me something good to eat!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a celebration... my begining of SAHMhood!, tomorrow my plans include trick or treating at my aunt's village and Sunday, I want to visit my Grandpa at the cemetery with my family!

Join us HERE!

Oct 28, 2009

2 More Days, Plus Some Thoughts

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After today, I only have two more working days before I finally become a stay-at-home Mom. Along with excitement, there is still this feeling of uncertainty that I may probably have to deal with for quite some time.

You see, as the day passes by, I get to have these thoughts of "what ifs"
  • if i work, then more savings
  • if i work, easier /earlier for us to get a vacation house
  • if i work, more travel out of the country
  • if i work, earlier for us to fully pay our amortization expenses
  • if i work, bags bags bags...
But then I realize that these are just material ambitions that we don't really need. I mean, in ten or fifteen years time, what would I want to say?
  1. I have succeeded in moving up and reaching my career goals?
  2. I have succeeded in having these...?
  3. I am proud to say that i have raised my child and have made a home for my family, including my husband who works abroad most of the time?
It is very easy for me to say that No. 3 for me is the most ideal, but i also cannot deny the fact that there is still this part of me that wants material success. I mean, hello, why is it that I want to study further (and "work" part-time in another field) or planning to have our own business , or I have been checking out how to earn money in other ways (e.g. online)?

Is it because I have been "disciplined" or "raised" to think that everyone should earn a living, or at least I should not be financially dependent on my husband?

These questions will probably be left unanswered for quite some time, but all i can say is I am confident that I am ready to take in this new chapter of my life.

Funny, my dream last night was that I had this farewell party where representatives of my previous companies (including my current) were present. Funnier still, there were even doctors who were present, asking me why i didn't push through with my original plan of taking up medicine. Meaningful dream, noh?

Oct 27, 2009

Wishlist for Christmas...

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Christmas is coming near and here's my Wish List for Christmas...

Le Creuset Enameled Cast Iron Cookware

I will literally salivate if hubby gets to buy one for me when he comes home. Cross fingers he will see one in airport shops.


Hopefully this will be it. Please please please. I've been "secret-ing" this like crazy.

eBook Reader


Amazon's Kindle or Barnes & Nobles' Nook. I'd be happy if I get any of the two.

That's just about it, really. Santa (aka husband), I've been good this year, riiiigggghhhhht?

[Images from Amazon.com, Apple.com, and Barnes and Noble]

Penge Naman Ako Nyan

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I love this commercial of Maja Salvador and Kim Bum...

Very nice.

Report: Recession Lexicon

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Got this from Die-Hard Optimist...

The recent world recession has added many new words to our vocabulary. It enriched the Lexicon with really interesting words. Some of them are as follows:

  • Bankster: It is a combined form of banker and gangster.
  • Canniversary: A year from the date when you got canned from your job.
  • Clunkerf*ck: It is what happens when government issues coupons on cars but doesn’t use the same printing machine as it seems to for a currency.
  • Frugillionaires: It is used for those who have mastered the art of frugality – living richly while saving a fortune. They bank their bonuses, bring their lunches to work, and borrow things instead of money. But though they are adept at cutting costs, their lives are not about deprivation. Instead, they cultivate a sense of appreciation that brings them wealth beyond measure.
  • Lazylancing: It is when you subsidize your travel with freelance work after being laid off from job.
  • Recession: Now-a-days it is used to describe anything sting or lacking. For example: “Look at this recession biscuits. It’s only got three chocolate chips.”
  • Recessionista: One who remains stylish during times of economic hardship – a woman who updates her wardrobe in a frugal manner.
  • Slayoff: It is used to describe a particularly cold-blooded method of laying off employees.
  • Staycation: It means a holiday spent at home, especially due to straitened financial circumstances.
  • Zombie bank: It is used for a bank that has a negative worth but continues to operate because of depositor’s insurance or other governmental intervention.

Fun Family Activities

From The Mommy Journey:

What are your Family Fun activities ?

Well, not much really since Eanna is still a "baby." But you know what? I am looking forward to the next couple of months, because not only is my husband going home, but also because it is the Holidays! Hubby reminded me to plan ahead and think of activities to do while he's on vacay mode, so here is what have planned so far:

  • Going to parks and picnics - we do this even when Eanna was still a baby. As in baby-baby. Hahaha.
  • Our usual Tagaytay trips - yup, we do this all the time too
  • Our MORE usual malling and shopping - hahahha, let my hubby witness the shopper known as Eanna. Hahaha.
  • Our Sunday lunches in our clubhouse - though I don't think I'd swim in the pool. Too cold! I'm usually in charge of the cooking part.
  • Doing the grocery is usually a fun activity for us. Not so for hubby. All the junk food he dunks in our cart, I take most out. Nyahahaha! Eanna has that habit too, but I usually give in. Biased!
  • Believe it or not, Eanna and I have this "magazine reading time" at least once a month. She loves looking at magazines too. So, it's magazines and books for her
  • Our "stewing time" (I actually call it in-in, you know the time before rice actually gets cooked?) before Eanna and I actually get out of bed. Usually lasts 30 minutes. Hubby hated this habit of mine - he's such a morning person, but I'm sure he'll join us too. Hahaha.
  • NEW: Go to museums, preferably the ones for kids
  • NEW: This has already been planned long before... Trip to Boracay this January! I am sooo looking forward. one step closer to out of country trips (thus need to get a whole life insurance for hubby - doesn't have one)? Hahahah.
No longer fun:
  • Watching Strawberry shortcake videos - I sued to love this but honestly I am getting sick of the videos. I memorize every line and song. I'm sure hubby would initially love the SSC sessions but I am pretty much sure if Eanna gets in the way of him watching his football matches, he'll despise SSC too. Hahaha!
That's just about it. Well maybe I missed some but hey, can't remember or write everything!

Oct 25, 2009

Reason To Splurge for Christmas

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I am 100% sure this would look good on my darling girl. I can imagine her already wearing it. Ack. I'm obsessed.

Image from Born Fabulous.

EDIT: Want this color too!

Image from Eurokidz.com


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Ok. I said I am saving or at least trying to save, but thanks to the Internet, I get exposed to interesting stuff. And the itch gets bad at time.

Case in point: Amazon's Kindle.

I love books, but ever since I got married (and thus moved out of my parent's place), I no longer have the luxury of space. Ebook readers are now becoming my options to satisfy my reading appetite without wondering where I'd put my books after I read them.

What's great about Kindle is that it is wireless, and the Philippines is included in their coverage. Yay!

Downside though... The price. $259 may not be that much, BUT I am soon to be a stay-at-home mom which means no earnings for me (for now at least). Well, I can use my Paypal account. Ack. No. We'll see.

But I really love. And I want. Not need, but want. Hahahahah.

Images and more info HERE.

Does Your Bag Look Like This?

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Mine does, sometimes. Hahaha.

Image and article from The Modern Mom.

Classy Chocolate Me

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The Chocolate Oracle Says You're Classy

You are sophisticated, modern, and high class.

Your taste is refined, but you are not picky.

You are often the first to try something new.

You are fun loving, outgoing, and very social.

You love meeting new people and celebrating.

You can be a bit of a fair weather friend. You don't like bad news or drama.

You love being around people. Friendships are important to you.

You feel lost when you're by yourself... so you tend to avoid being alone.

Small Talk Six: Thanks or No Thanks

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Current topic is “6 things (good or bad) that you credit your mother-in-law for.” You can answer this with a list of 6 words, 6 phrases, 6 sentences, 6 paragraphs, 6 photos, 6 videos, etc . . .

1. Husband is her favorite child. Sometimes this doesn't sit well with hubby's sibs but I guess they have accepted the fact. Hubby does have this personality that you'd understand why he's MIL's favorite.

2. Very generous to Eanna. She's also generous and loving to the other grandkids, but maybe Eanna is extra special because hubby is her favorite??? Hahaha

3. The way she raised hubby in order for him to be who he is today.

4. Simple living and living within her means. Hubby came from a humble family.

5. Not really good... serving really fatty (thus unhealthy) food. She's not much of a veggie eater, so I'm having a hard time convincing hubby to eat some veggies. Very very very difficult task. Even pureed soup... he knows. Ack.

6. She has pampered my hubby and has given him so much attention, so hubby now expects me to do the same to him!

Join us HERE.

Mommy Moments: Tantrums

mommy moments

It's the first time I'm joining moments and the latest topic is all about tantrums. Hmm, what can I share, aside from my observation that my 2-year old darling daughter has this liking on saying "No" to almost everything I tell her or ask her to do (bath, eat, dress up, drink, etc...)

Anyway, I am proud to say that my baby girl does not really throw major tantrums, and I am very grateful for that. However, she has this tendency to boss around and wants to get whatever she wants. Most of the time we "argue" about laptop use. She loves sitting on my lap while I surf through the Net. Most of the time she mimics me and tinkers with the keyboard, and that is when we "argue." She cries a bit but when I tell her to just use her own kiddie laptop (complete with mouse!), she gets contented with it... as long as she sits beside me too!

Oh, another tantrum moment is when we go to bookstores and she gets a lot of books. She heads to the counter as if she'd pay for them. Often times i get her something, but in those times that I don't, she cries... but not to the point that people will look and all. She easily forgets once I distract her attention. Hehehe.

So that's it!

Oct 24, 2009

What to Get?

It's that time of the year when car maintenance and renewal of auto insurance is a must-do/have, and though I am ok with me bringing the car to the casa and wait for a couple of hours (hello High Street!), I feel a bit glum about paying auto insurance. I didn't know it was that expensive! Hahaha. Anyway, I got a quotation from my current insurance provider, and it's a pleasant surprise that I received another quotation from a different company. The new one is way cheaper but then I realized that the terms are a bit inferior too. So I went to their website and asked for a quotation of an upgraded insurance online but no reply.

Unfazed, I called up the company and informed them I received their offer but I wanted something that is similar to our current one. Turns out that price was the same for both, so I guess I'll just get from our current provider.

Bills, bills, bills. Ack. Hahaha!

World of Mom Blogs

Thanks to Entrecard and Adgitize I got to see a whole new world of Mom blogs, and a vast selection too! I used to just "mind my own business" in the blogosphere and maybe visit a couple of sites (of my fellow online friends), but that was just about it. Strangely though, I am secretly enjoying reading women's blogs, especially fellow Filipinas who opted to be stay-at-home moms. Reading their blogs give me an idea of the daily lives of stay-at-home moms, and this sort of becomes a "support" group to the newbie me.

Funny thing though, I have read this article about online stalkers and the issue on whether you introduce yourself when you read the blogs of other people. So... am I an online stalker for being a reader of other blogs? I personally don't mind other people reading my blog - what I post is my responsibility, and I fully understand that posting anything online can mean anyone can read it. Well unless the settings of your blog is "private."

Oh well. Anyway going back. Yup, I do enjoy surfing these blogs - and I sure hope that when the owners of these blogs happen to read my blog, they enjoy their "stay" too!

Oct 22, 2009

Study Options

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Part of my plans for the future is to have formal studies on some of my passions in life: interior design, fashion design, and culinary arts. Of course I cannot take up all these, but I am having a hard time deciding which among these three is what I will pursue.

Fashion - Ever since my Mom exposed me to the world of fashion magazines at the tender age of... hmmm... 6?, I have been fascinated with clothes, accessories, shoes and bags. Though I wasn't really into Barbie as much as other girls were that time, I enjoyed making clothes for her. I loved styling her, to the point that I even cut her hair to complete the look. Until now, I am so into clothes that there are times when I daydream about having my own design studio. And now, I love styling my little baby girl.

Interior Design - Whenever I do play with my Barbie when I was a kid, I had to style her pad as well. Funny how I used little objects and I just imagined they were chairs, tables, carpets, etc. Aside from this, I had this hobby of drawing house layouts at the back of ballot papers (stole them from my Granpa's stash!), imagining those will be my future house's designs. There too are times when I just stare at blank walls or stare at our living room and imagine how I would decorate it.

Culinary Arts - I can spend hours cooking. i love chopping and preparing the ingredients. Love expermintening and trying out recipes. And i love to eat. Enough said.

It really is a hard decision. Last week I was into interior design. The Chanel movie inspired me this week so now I want fashion design. Soon, I am pretty much sure culinary arts will catch up.

Ack. Decide, decide, decide.

Oct 20, 2009

Three Flutes and Coco

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Thanks to my friend C, I got to watch Rustan's premiere of the movie Coco Avant Chanel. I don't need to introduce the woman who probably was (and is) the most influential woman in fashion. The event started off with cocktails at the Archaeology area in Powerplant, with the scent of Chanel No. 5 filling the air, as quick bites (love the cherry tomato stuffed with goat cheese, and melon balls with prosciutto) and Moet & Chandon bubbly were served.

Most of the people were garbed in Chanel or Chanel-esque attire: black clothes, lots and lots of pearls, and of course, Chanel bags (including me? Hahahaha). One blogger even came up to me and asked to take a picture of me (ngiii), plus I think an official photographer. Ok, I'm not used to that, hahaha. It just felt so weird, so I pulled my bff beside me for that pic. Vanity kicking in... I wonder where the pictures would be "published"? Muwahahahahaa.

Anyway, BFF and I chatted while downing three flutes of M&C each, and by that time the movie starts, I was feeling a bit "groovy" already. Hahaha.

Ok... the movie itself.... It was... ok. It showed what inspired Coco with her famous trademarks: black, sailor stripes, pearls, hats. Once, Coco was in love. It showed how determined she was to strike it rich... "One day they will kill to dine with us" or something like that.

Fine. It was a bit dragging at first, but maybe it was because we don't really get to watch French films, and so we are not used to it? But I loved how Audrey Tautou portrayed Chanel. Her stern, serious face. Her wonderful smile in rare occasions. Her very slim physique. Well, I have always loved Audrey Tautou so she need not make any much effort for me to looove her. My friend noted that the movie implicated that Coco "used" men to climb up. Maybe so, maybe not. I just wished though that the film showed how Coco worked to create her masterpieces, her thinking process. Or maybe it was there but too much bubbly stumped me?

Any which way, we enjoyed the night. It's too bad I don't have pictures to post but later on I'll surf the net, maybe I would chance upon some pictures from the event. I just hope my arms will not steal the limelight, if you know what I mean. Which reminds me, I gotta make use of the home gyms here in the Condo. Less than 2 weeks, hubby is here!

Going back to the movie... I'd still recommend you guys to watch i, it really is a fab movie!

The Simple Woman's Daybook 10.19.09

FOR TODAY...October 19th (20th) from Van's Daybook

Outside my window... bright sunny day, bustling streets

I am thinking... of what the Owner of my husband's company told me. I'm so proud of my love!

I am thankful for... the wonderful meal I just cooked for lunch (Linquini Vongole)

I am wearing... yellow jersey dress

I am remembering... last night's premier showing of Coco Avant Chanel.

I am going... to rest in a while.

I am reading... recipes in Bhg.com

I am hoping... that my husband will be home next week.

On my mind... redecorating our home.

From the learning rooms... Home schooling

Noticing that... some decisions you were not fully contented before turn out to be the best decisions you made.

Pondering these words... From FB's Message from God... "that everything that irritates you about others, is your key to understanding yourself."

From the kitchen... Linguini Vongole! And leftover porkloin from last Sunday

Around the house... toys of my daughter everywhere!

One of my favorite things~ daughter poking my eyes every morning, and when I open my eyes, she says "marning!"

Foods to Eat Organic, Foods Not Necessarily Organic

Came across these two related articles on foods we should buy organic and foods that we do not have to buy organic.

Here's a summary:

Buy Organic

  • Meat - Organic meat however is not yet readily available in our markets. Or is it? Please comment if you know. I saw organic pork sold in Fresh! Supermarkets but they are sooooo expensive.
  • Milk - "Pesticides and other man-made chemicals have been found in human breast milk, so it should come as no surprise that they have been found in dairy products, too. While any residues detected have been rare, and of low concentration, milk is of special concern because it is a staple of a child's diets."
  • Coffee - Go a step or two further, and look for the Fair Trade Certified label to ensure that your purchase supports farmers who are paid fairly and treated well. And look for shade-grown varieties for the trifecta: Then you know the coffee is being grown under the canopy of the rainforest, leaving those ancient trees intact, along with the wildlife -- particularly songbirds -- that call them home.
  • Peaches
  • Apples
  • Sweet bell peppers - Peppers have thin skins that don't offer much of a barrier to pesticides. They're often heavily sprayed with insecticides.
  • Celery
  • Nectarines
  • Strawberries
  • Cherries
  • Kale
  • Grapes
  • Leafy Greens - This one is easy. They are available in Salcedo Market every Saturday!
  • Carrots
  • Pears
  • Potatoes
Foods You Don't Have to Buy Organic

  • Onions
  • Avocado
  • Sweet corn
  • Pineapple
  • Mango
  • Asparagus
  • Sweet Peas
  • Kiwi Fruit
  • Cabbage
  • Eggplant
  • Papaya
  • Watermelon
  • Broccolli - Look for tightly bunched flower buds on the broccoli stalks that are immature. In other words, try not to buy them if their little yellow flowers have opened. Color-wise, the broccoli should be deep green and the stalks should be firm and not rubbery. Before use, wash in a cool water bath and change the water a couple of times in the process. Store in the refrigerator crisper.
  • Sweet Potatoes
Ok if Organic, Ok too if Not Organic: Tomatoes - previously should be organic but recent studies showed them to be cleaner than most. If you aren't growing your own, look for fresh in-season tomatoes at local farmers markets and farm stands. Look for glossy, firm skin -- and don't hesitate to try a delicious heirloom variety that might not look like a typical tomato!

Full Articles HERE and HERE.

Source: TheDailyGreen.Com

Oct 19, 2009

Sunday Stealing: The ABCs of Meme

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A- Advocate for: green living and saving the environment

B- Best Feature: smile?

C- Could do without: my flabby arms

D- Dreams and desires: travel, Mom my daughter would be proud of, wife my husband would be proud of.

E- Essential items: faith and love. Ok that's too cheesy. Wallet I guess?

F- Favorite past time: FB games! and of course, playing with Eanna.

G- Good at: work? Hahaha.

H- Have never tried: eating really exotic stuff.

I- If I had a million dollars: set up a social organization, donate to charity (if I don't set up one), travel, save some for Eanna's future.

J- Junkie for: magazines!

K- Kindred spirit: hmm... maybe my daughter!

L- Little known fact: I'm a thumb sucker.

M- Memorable moment: Giving birth to Eanna

N- Never again will I: bathe Eanna when she realyl doesn't want to. She gets sick after. Tested theory.

O- Occasional indulgence: Chips, salsa, soft drinks while reading magazines

P- Profession: Manager but in 2 weeks time, SAHM!

Q- Quote: The art of simplicity is a puzzle of complexity.

R- Reason to smile: it's another day!

S- Sorry about: all those affected by typhoons Ondoy and Pepeng, and only being able to help by donating cash and some goods. Wish I could do more.

T- Things you are worrying about right now: Uncertainty of the future. SAHM-hood is a big step and leap of faith!

U- Uninterested in: in depth computer programming stuff

V- Very scared of: Eanna getting very sick, death of loved ones (or me)

W- Worst habits: perfectionist I guess, and yeah, some of my Control freak tendencies.

Y- Yummiest dessert: Not really fond of desserts but I'm happy with Creme Brulee

X- X marks my ideal vacation spot: Provence!

Z- Zodiac sign: Taurus

Join us HERE.

Sunday Fun with Relatives

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My cousin celebrated his 15th birthday yetserday in their place in Hillsborough, and it was a welcome gathering for us. Cousins met up again, usual chitchats, and of coruse updating of what's going on with our lives.

What is more memorable though is how my little girl charmed all of our relatives: she sang Happy Birthday, danced to the tune of "Nobody But You" 9ack, I don't like that song but since it makes my bebe dance, so be it), kissing and embracing and blessing everyone. She was very energetic and playful, not like before when she used to be really shy and "afraid."

Here are some pics of her. Gotta love her outfit too!

These pics remind me that I have to have my phone fixed or get a new one altogether. The main camera is busted so I just sued the secondary camera.

Oct 18, 2009

Stop Being OA!

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Ok. I should stop this OA nonsense. You see, ever since I tendered my resignation two weeks ago, my interest in going to malls at least to go window shopping dropped to sub-zero levels. Hello? I think that's way too drastic, and I should get over this "I'm going to be unemployed I need to save every penny" attitude. It might seem like a good idea, but maybe in the long run I would resent leaving my career - because I have "starved" myself of things I enjoy seeing/doing. I should remind myself to slow things down GRADUALLY. You know, start by purchasing only cheap thrills and NEEDS (not the big-ticket wants), then eventually be happy with window shopping.

What's good though is that I still don't scrimp on my groceries - my total tab yesterday definitely showed that. But again. Hello? I have set up our budget, and I know our limitations, so I should get a grip. Geesh.

Oct 17, 2009

The Eco-Friendly Refrigerator

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I was mildly surprised that hubby told me he has "sold" our ref to his fellow Second officer who bought a unit in the third tower of our Condo complex. It's just funny because he said that since I wanted to get a new ref, he told his friend about it and apprently they wanted to get our ref (and our unused microwave oven too hahaha).

So what is this ref I am wanting? It's the same brand as our current one, Panasonic. This time however, this new ref is labeled as "eco-friendly." Less consumption of energy, more advanced cooling performance, quiet performance (like our current one), and it has this so-called "Twin Bio-attacker" to inactivate 99.98% of bacteria. So our new ref will still have teeny-weeny bacteria in it. Hahaha, kidding.

It is much bigger than our current one, and its ;ay-out is different from what we are used to. It all boils down to performance though. And I hope this product will deliver.

I really wanted this model, but it is far too big to fit in our itsy-bitsy kitchen area.

It's ok though, as long as we have a bigger ref, I'm fine with that. And again, cross fingers that it really is an eco-friendly ref, as it claims it to be.

More info on the Panasonic "Vegerator" Inverter Refrigerator HERE.

World Pyrolympics 2009

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See you there!

Now accepting reservations for VIP and the Special Viewing Areas.
Please call 568-6908 or 3840239 for reservations or CLICK HERE.

Oct 16, 2009

Friday Fill-Ins #146


And...here we go!

1. So are we going _____?
  • ...go out drinking or what?!? Hahaha!

2. ___________ is what's up ahead.
  • A simpler life for me but full-time home maker...

3. I love to ___________.
  • ...read books, commune with nature, spend time with family. Usual answers to Slam Book entries. Hahaha.

4. ___________ of some sort.
  • I have a fetish... Nyahahah!

5. I walk a ___________.
  • ...mile or two or three (or four!) every time I go to the mall.

6. ___________ is the true elixir of life!
  • LOVE!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!
  • either going out with office mates or just stay at home... buying a birthday cake for my Mother in law... enjoy havign lunch with my family and relatives during my cousin's birthday party!
Happy Weekend!

The Ugly Truth

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I watched "The Ugly Truth" a week or two ago, and what I have noted aside from Gerald Butler's hotness is Katherine Heigl's character: that of being a control freak. At the end of the movie, i sighed and said "Hmm, I'm not a control freak, thank goodness."

My turnover process with my replacement this week however made me realize a shocking truth. I am somewhat of a control freak! I do have that tendencies!

  1. I don't sign anything unless it's my black pen
  2. I requested for a black pen for my replacement for him to use when signing documents and filling up procedure forms
  3. When I told him to take down notes, I even turned the page of his steno and gave him a pen. Craziness!
  4. I noted how much I disliked his steno which had thinner paper.
  5. I always want names in excel files to be aligned properly
  6. I have a habit of color coding almost everything in my planning
  7. Every morning there has to be a glass full of water on top of my side desk. It has to be there when I arrive.
  8. Plus, the glass has to be a water goblet.
  9. NEW!: I always keep the original top shape of my lipstick. Hahahah! 
Not really major items, eh? But maybe there are still some more lurking in my crazy mind/behavior....

Must avoid these tendencies!!!!!

How To Have A Lovely Day

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Let me just share this from Everything Fabulous

Have a great weekend ahead!

Oct 13, 2009

Must Go Back In Shape

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As expected, my enthusiasm about exercising waned. Even after I paid gym fees so that I will feel bad if I spent on something I didn't use, I still stopped going to the gym. Bummer right. I did so because I thought I was getting thinner. And maybe I was getting a bit thin.

Then I saw a picture of me in one of our friend's Frienster albums, and OH MY GOODNESS. The double chin was fine with me, I can tolerate that, but my arms that time were way too big I got scared of them.

Suddenly I became conscious again. Plus, hubby is coming home in two weeks' time.

I don't want to go to that diet pill route, so maybe I should raise my enthusiasm again and hit the treadmill. I must.

The Two Typhoons

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Days have passed after the onslught of typhoons Ondoy and pepeng, but their effects are still here with us. Aside from lives lost, thousands homeless, streets flooded still, another problem arose. Food supply. Not the canned goods or the ones bought in the grocery. I mean produce: rice and vegetables.

If we who live in high places weren't affected by the flooding, this future shortage of produce will hurt all of us. I can anticipate that prices will shoot up to the highest levels. They began to do so already.

I just pray that all of us will continue helping each other and putting ourselves back on our feet again. When we fall, we fall hard, but we sure can stand again. And nope, I won't go into political issues (somebody stop me!).

My Farm


This is my farm and Farmville. How I wish I have one in real life! Hahahaha!

Anyway, I am getting ready to turnover all my work duties to my replacement, and I am really excited to do so. What I am not excited about is turning over my laptop. I mean, it has been with me for a year already, all my personal files are stored here (which reminds me, i have to back them up in my portable drive), and it has been with me through thick and thin. How dramatic hahaha. I remember the time when I thought I lost everything because it got infected by a virus. Thankfully our antivirus software was really a killer so there was no damage at all.

I'm getting emo-esque again. But I can't help it. This laptop is where my farm grew. My pet had a lot of rooms here. And my restuarant flourished. Hahahaha!


I'm gonna miss playing FB games in this laptop. Oh well, gonna get a new one. Such as life.

The Simple Woman's Daybook 10.12.09

FOR TODAY...October 12th (13th for me)

Outside my window... sunny day.

I am thinking... my husband is coming home soon.

I am thankful for... a brand new day, and it started really good.

I am wearing... our company's Tuesday uniform.

I am remembering... how my sweet child lay on my chest earlier this morning.

I am going... to keep myself motivated at work while I'm still here.

I am reading...bloglines!

I am hoping... that my husband will indeed come home this end of the month.

On my mind... I am really looking forward to being a SAHM.

From the learning rooms... hmm?

Noticing that... my office mates are a bit discouraged with the changes here, but they just keep on going and hoping.

Pondering these words... "you are to let grace flow freely from your heart" - from Facebook Message from God

From the kitchen... I'm thinking of cooking beef bourguignon this weekend.

Around the house... it's off that our helper set up the Christmas tree when Halloween has not yet come. Hmm.

One of my favorite things... hubby's boxers.

From my picture journal... This is a re-post. But I can't seem to shake off my daughter's face whenever she says "No" to all the things I tell her.

Isn't she lovely? can't seem to get mad even when she gets to be stubborn!

Manic Monday #185

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What word describes you best?
- Passionate

What drives you every day
- Finding meaning in life. My loved ones.

Where do you want to retire?
- Provence, hahaha. In the suburbs, I guess. Provincial laid-back life.


Oct 12, 2009

From SAHM to WAHM?

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I am not yet a full-pledged SAHM, but why is it that I am already thinking about ways to work at home or at least accept part-time jobs? Is this a bad sign? Maybe I should stop getting all excited about part time or home-based work, because I have to remember that I quit my job to give priority to my family. NOT priority in working at home.

Is it because until now I still couldn't accept that I will be fully dependent on my hubby? Maybe. Maybe not. Is it because I am not sure of myself that I would enjoy being the general manager of our home? Maybe, maybe not.

I don't know, after talking to a friend about a potential part-time job / consultancy I really got excited and have all these ideas in my head. I have to remind myself over and over my priority from now on. But, it's good to know that they would be needing a consultant next year (and it has nothing to do with sales, such as getting health insurance leads. Hehehehe. Of course, he assured me I am his top candidate.

We'll see. For now, I want to embrace this new chapter of my life with gusto. And I feel I am slowly embracing it with gusto. Honestly, I don't feel like working anymore (ssssh!).

Oct 11, 2009

Sunday Stealing: The Magical Mystery Tour Meme

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Sunday Stealing: The Magical Mystery Tour Meme

1. Is there anybody you just wish would fall off the planet?
  • Yup, corrupt politicians

2. How do you flush the toilet in public?
  • Foot? Hahaha, I use toilet paper then flush it with my hand - if in clean public toilets!
3. Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?
  • Yes, all the time

4. Do you have a crush on someone?
  • Do celebrities count? Yup!
5. Name one thing you worry about running out of.
  • Finances! Hahaha
6. What famous person do you (or other people) think you resemble?
  • Kyra Sedwick, Audrey Hepburn (feeling! not me though, some people say back in college), Carrie Bradshaw (drama queen type hahaha)
7. What is your favourite pizza topping?
  •  Four Cheese!

8. Do you crack your knuckles?
  • Rarely

9. What song do you hate the most?
  • hmm, tough one, I don't hate anything but maybe those really hard-core metal. Not my thing.
10. Did just mentioning that song make it get stuck in your head?
  • Not really. But the mention of "Nobody But You" song, yeah. I don't like that song very much.
11. What are your super powers?
  • Manipulating my husband. HARHARHAR!
12. Peppermint or spearmint?
  • Any mint!
13. Where are your car keys?
  • In the keys hanger

14. Last song you listened to?
  • Under The Sea (Little Mermaid) playing now.
15. What's your most annoying habit?
  • Pulling / touching my hair? Hahaha
16. Where did you last go on vacation?
  • Tagaytay (local), Hong Kong (out of the country)

17. What is your best physical feature?
  • Husband says... butt. Hahahah. Smile I guess?
18. What CD is closest to you right now?
  • None
19. What 3 things can always be found in your refrigerator?
  • Lemons
  • Olives
  • Cheese

20. What superstition do you believe/practice?
  • Hmm... Maybe none, maybe some but I can't think of any right now.

21. What colour are your bed sheets?
  • White

22. Would you rather be a fish or a bird?
  • Bird!

23. Last thing you broke?
  • My watch

24. What are you having to eat tonight?
  • Whatever pot luck brought in my Grandma's house. We're having dinner there!
25. What colour shirt are you wearing?
  • Green/violet print
26. If you could be doing anything else today, what would you rather be doing?
  • Strolling in Bonifacio High Street with my darling daughter

27. Do security cameras make you nervous?
  • Nope!

28. If you wrote a book about your life, what would the title be?
  • My Lavender Fields (hahahaha)
29. Last time you went to a cemetery?
  • Last July, death anniversary of my Dad

30. Last concert you went to?
  • Avril Lavigne! That's tooo long ago.
31. Favourite musician(s)/bands you've seen in concert?
  • Boyz II Men, Alicia Keys

32. Next concert you're planning to attend?
  • Can someone please tell Kylie Minogue to have a concert here in Manila! And part II concert of Linkin Park and The Corrs! 

33. Do you talk to yourself?
  • Just in my mind. Rarely out loud.
34. Have you ever adopted or purchased a pet?
  • Nope. Allergic to dogs, cats, birds (due to asthma)
35. Have you ever been present when an animal is being born?
  • Yup, when I was a kid, our dog in the province gave birth.


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categories: ,

This seems to be Eanna's favorite answer to me, in all aspects.

Me: Eanna, bath time!
Eanna: NO! (as in no-o-oh!)

Me: Eanna, time to eat, yummy!
Eanna: NO! (as in no-o-oh!) Complete with shaking of head

Me: Eanna, time to sleep. Nap time baby come let's sleep with Mama
Eanna: NO! (as in no-o-oh!)

Me: Eanna, we have to brush our teeth. Me singing "Brush, brush, brush, three times a day"
Eanna: NO! (as in no-o-oh!)

Me: Honey, we have to dress up. Let's wear panties now.
Eanna: NO! (as in no-o-oh!)

Ack. Her delivery of the work is cute, alright. But please Lord, when will she learn to say "Yes"???

Oct 9, 2009

Yubo Lunchboxes

I've been reading a lot about eco-friendly and child-safe lunchboxes and this by far is the cutest one for me...

I just love that the faceplates can be personalized. Plus the fact that the lunchbox is complete with containers (though you can customize this too by shopping for various containers). Best thing though is the size. Really great for pre-schoolers.

I really want one for my darling daughter!

Learn more about these Yubo lunchoxes HERE.

The Sign Came!

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Our Staff Meeting today gave us some shocking news, though honestly I was not really that surprised. I'm talking about organizational changes, where my Boss has indicated that he is semi-retiring. Well that's one thing that made me think that maybe I really made the right decision to retire from work.

However, when the organization changes where discussed a little more in-depth, I began to feel and thank the Lord that my prayer of "giving me a sign" whether my decision to leave the company was answered. I did not like the changes. It made me realize a lot of things, and I am glad I took this path, a path that will either lead me to full SAHM-dom, or a path that will lead me to better opportunities, opportunities that will recognize my full potential and not just limit me to one position for the rest of my working life.

I was actually challenged by the thought, and my career-driven self was ruling my thoughts earlier, but I had to remind myself of this new path I've taken, and that I should be glad that yes, it really is a sign.

Friday Fill-Ins #145

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And...here we go!

1. Sweet dreams involve my family: husband, daughter, and I.

2. My daughter is the most beautiful girl especially for me.

3. Silliness can sometime be funny.

4. We will dress up as fairies this Halloween.

5. Outstanding or not I know I did my best.

6. Something "unmentionable" is what I want right now!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a good night's sleep, tomorrow my plans include usual grocery and at night movie date with bff C and Sunday, I want to have bonding time with darling daughter in High Street


Oct 7, 2009

We're Watching!

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I can't wait! Friend C and I have plans in watching the movie. I heard it's a really good film. plus, I adore Audrey Tatou!

Oct 6, 2009

11 Ways to Stop Worrying and Love the Green Life

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11 Ways to Stop Worrying and Love the Green Life

1. Live Simply
This is not some kind of contrived martyrdom borne of self-imposed poverty but rather a recognition that material consumption is not the path to fulfillment or enlightenment. Albert Einstein suggested that when describing the truth, we should "leave elegance to the tailor." Indeed, the planet doesn't need humans living elegantly and such a lifestyle will not nurture our activist soul.

2. Create a Sanctuary
Sara Novak puts it, well, simply: "To really make reflection and meditation a part of your life, you need to make room for it." No matter how small your space may be, you can still transform it into your safe haven of sorts.

3. Volunteer
Sure, it's cliché to recommend that someone in the midst of turmoil reach out and help others. Cliché, but often dead-on. It doesn't even have to be a formal volunteer situation. When things are as screwed up as they are now, opportunities to help abound. Open your eyes and choose one that lights you up. People don't volunteer and say "Gee I wish I hadn't volunteered," and you won't either.

4. Find an Eco-Psychologist
Being acutely aware of dire environmental issues can understandably provoke angst and anxiety. Those who feel they need outside help might wish to seek out a local eco-psychology practitioner.

5. Learn From Past Activist Victories
More from Mr. Zinn: "If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something. If we remember those times and places—and there are so many—where people have behaved magnificently, it energizes us to act, and raises at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction."

6. Choose Action Over Hope
No matter what you're hearing from Washington, action is always better than hope.

7. Reconnect With Nature
Ludwig Wittgenstein sez: "Let's cut out the transcendental twaddle when the whole thing is as plain as a sock on the jaw." When humans lose touch with nature, all hell breaks loose. How's that for a sock on the jaw?

8. Read pattrice jones
I quoted her in the intro, now check out her book: Aftershock: Confronting Trauma in a Violent World: A Guide for Activists and Their Allies.

9. Move Your Life Off-Grid
Some 200,000 people are already doing it so if you need a truly major break from society's pliers, you can start with Colin Dunn's Rule #1 of living off the grid: the electricity you produce must be greater than the electricity you consume.

10. Pace Yourself
In the words of Charles Bukowski: "Pace is the essence. Without stopping entirely and doing nothing at all for great periods, you're gonna lose everything...there has to be great pauses between highs, where you do nothing at all...And I don't mean having profound thoughts. I mean having no thoughts at all. Without thoughts of progress, without any self-thoughts of trying to further yourself...It's beautiful."

11. Eco-Vodka
When all else fails, a little eco-drink can help take off the eco-edge. Try these green vodkas. Drink responsibly. Don't drink and drive. In fact, try not to drive at all. But, don't drink and ride your bicycle either.

Wishlist: Nook at Home

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I wish I have a nook at home...

or this

[Images from DesireToInspire]

Practical, Low-Cost Work at Home Business Ideas

Just want to share this article for all you WAHMs or SAHMs out there (that will include me!)

Looking for a way to earn some extra cash? Want to eventually earn a nice income and perhaps even quit your job? Without first quitting your present job or spending a fortune? Check out the following ideas and see if any one interests you.

This list is neither complete nor exhaustive, and shall continue to be up-dated.

1. Garage cleaning: Most garages need cleaning or complete overhaul. It is a task that many people will gladly pay someone else to do for them. You could be that someone else. Offer your services to home owners, especially in medium to high income brackets.

2. Commercial cleaning: Residential or business (office) cleaning is in demand, and some people are cashing in and making nice incomes. Offer business and/or upper income residents to do their office/home cleaning work. You choose to be paid room, square foot or hourly.

3. Concierge/Corporate Concierge: Help with tasks like picking up dry cleaning, returning videos, finding limousine services, event planning, taking cars for oil change etc.

4. Child Day Care: A child day care in your home if you have a basement or extra room/space. You need to purchase small chairs and tables, games, toys, and outdoor play items. Prices vary with area or neighborhood. Most states require a license and some training, especially 1st Aid and Child CPR.

5. Information Abstractor: You sum up an article into a paragraph or two, without losing the essence. You have to be fast and knowledgeable in your chosen field.

6. Errand Service: You charge hourly to perform a wide variety of errands for clients. Busy moms, single parents, executives and seniors are good targets.

7. Web Writer: Track down articles on certain subjects. A genuine interest or knowledge in the subject helps a great deal here. You put the pieces together to make one tasty snack.

8. Relocation Consultant/Specialist: Your work is to help new people moving into a city find a home/apartment, job, schools etc. according to need. This works best in high-population cities.

9. Perfumer: Play around with different combos of essences until you come up with a fragrance that's pleasant and unique.

10. Personal Shopper: Not to be mistaken with Mystery Shopping (below). Your job is to shop for busy executives. You charge hourly, and might include gift wrapping.

11. Mystery/Secret Shopper: You get paid to pose as a customer and shop at department stores or malls. Your work is to report back to the company about service, cleanliness etc. You get paid hourly or by gift certificates, and in most cases you keep your purchases.

12. Personal Chef: Requires great culinary skills or you be a trained chef. As a personal chef, your work is to create and prepare great-tasting customized meals for individuals and families (that can afford the service, of course). Farther info: United States Personal Chef Association.

13. Bed & Breakfast: You need an extra room or two that you can rent out. You don't need an extra bath but highly recommended. Best around tourist attractions. Breakfast can be simply coffee and/or juice and a bowl of cereal.

14. Computer Tutor: If you have a knack for working with computers you can earn some extra cash helping newbies to learn how to operate systems.

15. Export Agent: Learn the basics of exporting (the better if you've worked with exporting firms). Offer exporting services to small-medium companies/manufacturers for a commission.

16. Resume Writer: Many people find resume writing scary and would gladly pay someone else to do it for them. You can make a full-time living in Resume writing- some resume writers make six-figure incomes!

17. Hair Care: If you're good at cutting/styling hair, offer to cut or style at home or at work. Charge slightly lower than the barbershop/salon. This saves busy people time and money. You could arrange to do this on regular basis, so they get their hair done regularly and you have a steady income.

18. Lunch/Dinner Delivery: Most people would like a nice home-cooked meal, but don't want or have no time to do the cooking. If you're a good cook you can offer to deliver home cooked meals for lunch, dinner or both. You could also specialize in ethnic dishes if you have a large population of a certain community in your area.

19. Drop Shipping: Sell products that you don't have to ever store, ship or even touch. Buy on wholesale price and sell on retail. Better still, you get to use your customers' money to buy the products that you've already sold. This is the beauty of something called Drop Shipping. The drop shipper packs and ships the products to your customer in your name. How sweet is that?

20. Candle Making: People, women especially, love candles for themselves or as gifts. They would especially love unique handcrafted, scented candles. This could be both fun and financially rewarding for you.

21. Crocheting: If you're good at or are interested in crocheting, you can make some extra cash from this. Better still, this is something that can be done at odd moments-what's better than to earn some money utilizing time that would have gone to waste, while doing something you love?

22. Photography: Banks, insurance and advertising companies need up to date and accurate photographs of cars, boats and properties. It's impractical to have company representative in all areas and will gladly pay someone to do this. You could be that someone.

23. Online Auctions: People are making handsome incomes from home through online auctions, especially eBay™. And no, it's not about emptying your garage (what happens when your garage runs out of stuff?). Also works well with Drop Shipping (#19 above).

Remember, you need very little money to start a work at home or home business venture, and you can start in your spare time.

Oct 5, 2009

Manic Monday #184

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Do you read an actual print newspaper? If so, how often?
  • Yup, The Philippine Star. At least once a week - Sundays. Hahahaha.

What is your main source of news?
  • Twitter? Hahahaha. Online version of the newspapers.

Do you believe that it's possible for the media to be unbiased?
  • Nope. They always have a stance. Even us non-media can never be unbiased. Unless of course when they just state facts.... you know, bullet points and all!
Join us HERE.

Manic Monday #183

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What is the longest time you've gone with your Internet not working in your home?
Actually, i just got internet connection last August (since I got married 3 years ago). Yep, I finally gave in to having Internet at home, after vowing not to have one. All because of Facebook hahaha. Since then though the longest time I didn't have was 1 day, during the typhoon Ondoy/Ketsana.

How many email addresses do you regularly use?
I use 1 regularly, but has 1 back-up (gmail).

Are you able to access the Internet on your phone? If so, how frequently do you use it?
Yes I can! I use it when I am out and I don't have my laptop with me. Sometimes too when I can't sleep, I just browse thru Twitter updates.

Oct 3, 2009

Do We Now Get It?

The aftermath of the typhoon Ondoy/Ketsana can still be felt by us Filipinos until now. It has been a week of emotional roller coaster ride for us, with us finding ways on how to help fellow Filipinos who were greatly affected by the floods. Lots of them were left homeless, parent-less, child-less, you name it. As soon as pictures and videos were uploaded in the Internet or better yet, information were "tweeted" and "facebook-ed", a lot of us took action to help, while a few exercised their typing powers or voice talents to rant on who's to blame. The government? Most would say so. Yet I feel that all of us are to be blamed, if ever it is now the time for blaming. We have been so engrossed with looking at the government's fault that we fail to see that we are a greater part of the community who has the choice on whether to take action or to be indifferent about the growing concern on the environment. Come on, we see garbage here, garbage there. The Internet has an awful lot of resources and information about the environment, information that WE NEED TO TAKE ACTION. Re-evaluate our lifestyle, our use of products, and the garbage that we dispose of.

I've been researching and reading about going Green, and though I have started our mini-drive on eco-living and Green shopping in our household, I feel that it is still now enough, that I am not that committed enough.

But now, I finally realize that all of us has to get what Mother Nature is telling us, that all of us has to take action. Government not efficient and not noticing? Then we should make them notice and make them efficient. Easy to say right? But we all should think about it, and we all should act.

Maybe it is too late, but better too late than never. Sure, prayer is important. But so is action. "Nasa tao ang gawa, nasa Diyos ang awa."

myGrid Cellphone Starter Kit

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I would love to have this in our house. No more wires, no more "where's my phone" issues.
Amazon.com is accepting pre-orders and will be out on 12 October. At $85 bucks, should I order?

It looks really nice and very useful for us here in our household, with us having at least one mobile phone each. It also has some accessories for iPhone, but I don't know if they do have accessories for Mp3 players too.

Got this From Lil

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Got this new "blogging from home" service ideal for sahms or wahms out there. Maybe I should try this one out. What say you? Come join if you like!

Advertise with my Blog

Good Decision 6 Years Ago

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Yesterday all of us in the office has received a Memo telling us to update our dependent's information regarding our life insurance. I don't know but I felt a little sad that I will no longer enjoy this benefit, given that I have already resigned and is less than a month away from being a full-pledged SAHM. It comforts me though that a few years back, I got myself a "not so" cheap term life insurance when it was the craze in our office back then. At that time I really felt it was very expensive for me, but I still went ahead and got one. At least aside from the insurance, the policy also includes living benefits such as medical/hospitalization assistance and money-back guarantee.

I have been meaning to get hubby a life insurance too, even if he has one when he is onboard. You know, just to be on the safer side. Well, maybe i should push for it and add it in our budget. We'll see.

But for now, I am just really glad that I made a right decision to get one. I just hope that the company where I got my insurance is still sound! Cross fingers!

Oct 2, 2009

Friday Fill-Ins #144

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And...here we go!

1. I have a history of _____.
  • ... being bratty? Snooty? Snobby? Hahahaha. But then again, that's history. Hahahaha.

2. ___________ is something I wish I knew.
  •  The real origin of life (scientific)...

3. I'm eating (or recently ate) ___________.
  • ... Elbert's Cheesesteak!

4. ___________ on the road.
  • Be careful...

5. So that's it, that's ___________.
  • ... life!
6. ___________ better than nothing!
  • 8 months in a year being with Enrik is...

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!
  • Having a good night's sleep... Staying at home because of the typhoon... Go out with my daughter, weather permitting!

Oct 1, 2009

Finance 101: Having Your Cake and Eating It Too!

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I was busy cleaning up my yahoo email account when i stumbled across this article I made five years ago. See I used to be the How-To Girl in a local community website for women, and now I want to share what I have written before.

Gash, I can't believe I wrote this, hahaha. I think my target audience was single women with thriving careers. I didn't edit it so read on, learn, and laugh!

Finance 101: How to Have your Cake and Eat It Too!

After being barraged by three credit card balance statements all at once almost two years ago, I had a sudden realization: My debt amounted to something similar to the cost of a simple Bulgari watch, and my savings? The shoes I was wearing that time even had a higher cash equivalent. Yes, after three years of work, I had no savings, no investments, no security for rainy days. I decided back then to do something about it, and was really obsessed with sorting my finances properly and build my nest egg.

Two years later, thanks to Quicken Software, Excel, and the book “Three Black Skirts”, I am glad that I have found the right techniques on how to budget and save, yet still enjoy the fruits of my labor. Read on to find out my tried, tested, and successful techniques!

Set up a Budget

  1. Know your net worth. Net worth means the total amount of money you have against the total debt you owe. This will gauge whether you are down on the reds, barely afloat, or financially sound (if this is the case, good for you girl!).
  2. Check your balances. Enumerate the amount of money you receive every month (monthly income, receivables, interests earned from your investments, if any) and find the total. Then list all your expenses. If you want more realistic figures rather than mere approximations, file all your expenses for one month, then put together similar expenses. Segregate these whether they are fixed (meaning those expenses you can’t avoid, such as groceries, rent, debt payments, insurances, etc) or variable (entertainment, dining, clothes, cosmetics, salon trips, etc). Get the total of each type of expense, and subtract them from your total monthly income. The resulting figure is the amount that’s left for you to either save or splurge.
  3. Set your goals. Take a hard look at what you scribbled in #2 and then determine how much money you want to save, either for the whole year, or per month. They say save at least 10% of your take-home pay, but of course, you can do more than that. Keep this in mind and incorporate this in the next step.
  4. Set up a budget. This is simple really. Determine first the period of your budget – monthly, every 15th day. Then, based on your actual expenses, look on what areas you can save, then set limits on how much you will only spend on a particular category, i.e. PhP 1,000 a month for clothes, PhP 500 for entertainment. At this point, incorporate your savings goal. Or you can do the reverse. What I did first was to subtract my fixed expenses AND my savings goal, then budget the remaining amount to the different splurges I incur. Remember, be austere but be realistic.
  5. Keep track of your progress. I know this will sound tedious, but make an account of your daily expenses. It is best to use a program such as Quicken (thank God for this!) or make a simple accounting using Excel. I use both, the former for more extensive scrutiny of my financial dealings, the latter for easier overview of my progress. This part is very important, as this tells you whether you are within your budget or totally way off.
  6. Stick to your budget. Every quarter however, check if your budget is still working for you or if you need to adjust some parts, like adding more to your savings if your income increases or if you have spare money because you already zeroed-out your credit card debt.

How to deal with Credit Card Debt

  1. Pay more than the minimum amount. Whatever happens, always remember this rule. In your budgeting process, set an amount for paying off your credit card debts, then stick to this until your debt balance states “0.00.” Never sacrifice however the amount you want to save – you may reduce this a bit for a certain amount, but never let a month go by without you putting something to your savings. And lastly, always pay before your due dates. Late payment fees are a pain in the neck.
  2. Know yourself. Use your credit card with diligence and control. Two years ago having my credit cards is a big temptation. After setting my goals, I now bring them around for emergency purposes and without having the itch to swipe. If you are not that confident though, leave your credit cards behind or cut them! Minimize use of your credit card by using debit cards instead. These cards subtract your expenses from your account the day itself (thank God for BPI Express Payment!). As much as possible, pay your bills in full, as they may incur interests (ouch). If however you have outstanding balances, pay your usual amounted budget PLUS all other additional charges you have made.
  3. Consolidate debt into just one credit card. Many credit card companies offer this option and give you lower rates. Plus, it is easier to pay and lower the risk of you forgetting to pay other credit card accounts.

Pay Yourself: Saving and Investing for the Future

  1. Pre-need and insurance plans. There is a difference between the two, although some insurance plans incorporate living benefits similar to pre-need plans. Pre-need plans include pension plans, education plans, and memorial plans. Insurance plans are those that give money to those who you will leave behind when you pass away. When it comes to all these, know the details of each plan and benchmark. Be practical and get a plan that fits your lifestyle and your wallet. Remember to incorporate this as part of your budget, and consider this as one of your savings and investments.
  2. Window shop. Not the usual exercise we do at the malls, silly! What I mean is check out the different products and services banks offer to their clients. Place your idle or excess money in either time deposit accounts or special savings account. These accounts can at least be left untouched for specific time periods, and even though the rates aren’t that inspiring, just think that at least your money earns something. Lastly, add more to it every month and make this grow!
  3. High risks, high rewards. For those who are more adventurous when it comes to investing, remember that high rewards often entail high risks. You can invest your money on stocks, government bonds, or in trust funds. Do not neglect these investments. Monitor them and be aware of the factors that can raise or lower your investment’s worth. Seek advice from a financial asset manager, befriend your stock broker, and keep abreast of the latest scoop on the financial world.
  4. Find other means of generating income. If you are talented in the arts, do some freelance work! Some teach in universities at night or every Saturdays. Some do graphics and photography. Look into yourself and check what else you can do, I’m sure you’ll find one! Note however that what you get out of your sidelines, allot some or all of it to your savings.

Don’t be too stressed when it comes to trying to be financially sound. Tracking your money should be fun, entertaining, exciting, and a learning and disciplining experience. What is important is for you to enjoy your hard-earned money today, but also to prepare yourself for the future and unforeseen emergencies. This should not stop you from buying the shoes you’ve been eyeing or spending time with your best friend over a couple of martinis! Discipline, control, and prioritizing are the key elements to be a winner in letting your nest egg grow.


Expo Kid @ Rockwell Tent

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Expo Kid
Everything for kids under one roof
October 3, 2009, Saturday, Rockwell Tent
  • Interactive Activity Areas
  • 30+ Exhibitors and vendors showcasing products and services for kids of all ages.
  • All day talks and demos for moms, dads and kids at the stage area.
[Repost from Mom Exchange]

Just Dropping By

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Nothing much to day but I just wanted to drop by my blog!

Oh, something funny...

Hubby is apparently very serious about my quota of sending him at least 10 text messages a day. Yesterday, he was like "You only sent 3 texts and 1 email."

Nyahahaha, if I was in a bad mood I'd be soooo pissed off and snap at him. But today's not one of those days, so I found him to be really adorable. Hahahaha. Gotta love that guy.