Sep 30, 2012

Astrological Zodiac Colors and Correspondences

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Check this out!

I got this from A Circle of Witches FB Page. I'm Taurean, and I think this fits me to a tee.

Astrological Zodiac Colors and Correspondences

Aries (March 21 April 20) Ruling planet - Mars. Dark Red, usually the darker shades of scarlet or crimson. Magically the planet Mars is the purifier and destroyer who sweeps aside the stagnant, the unwanted and the redundant so progress can be made. Alternatively, the planet of war also represents the creative principle and the unconscious urge for the human species to reproduce itself, for life and death are two aspects of the same energy.

Taurus (April 21-May 21) Ruling planet - Venus. Green, ranging from the palest apple green to the dark olive of the earth forces. In magical lore the Venusians energy represents the spiritual desire to unite the opposites and balance the dual forces of male and female. This union was known to the medieval alchemists as "the sacred marriage" and is symbolized in magic and Wicca by the ritual metaphor of the sword in the chalice.

Gemini (May 22 June 21) Ruling planet - Mercury Yellow is the color of this Zodiac sign representing communication and the power of the mind. In occult tradition Gemini is a symbol of the dualism which manifests from the transcendental Oneness and of magus who acts as a go-between carrying messages between Middle Earth and the Otherworld.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) Ruling planet - the moon. Light Blue and Silver are the colors of the lunar sphere. It is the realm of the unconscious, the hidden side of the personality and psychic forces.

Leo (July 23-August 23) Ruling planet - the sun. Its colors are gold and Orange. The sun represents the life force and is the visible symbol of the Cosmic Creator in the solar system.

Virgo (August 24-September 23) Ruling planet - Mercury. White is the color associated with this alternative aspect of Mercurial energy It represents the analytical abilities of the mind symbolized by the quest for scientific knowledge.

Libra (September 24-October 23) Ruling planet - Venus. Libra's Pink. It symbolizes the heights attainable by romantic and spiritual love.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22) Ruling planet - Pluto. Red or Gray The energy of the Plutonian sphere is connected with Mars and represents death and regeneration. It has ruler ship over the underworld, the spirits of the departed and nuclear power.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21 ) Ruling planet - Jupiter. Purple and royal blue are the colors of this Zodiac sign. It is an expansive planetary energy connected with the world of finance and social matters.

Capricorn (December 22 January 20) Ruling planet - Saturn. Black is the primary color of the Saturnine energy It rules karma, fate and destiny, the law, old age and property matters.

Aquarius (January 1-February 19) Ruling planet - Uranus. Blue This planetary energy is a higher octave of Saturn and has ruler ship over magic (forces, astrology and modern technology like television, video and computers).

Pisces (February 20-March 20) Ruling planet - Neptune. Indigo are the colors of Pisces, which is connected with the planetary energy of Jupiter. It has ruler ship over inspiration, matters connected with the sea and entertainment, especially the movie industry.


I love Green. Coincidentally, my current nail polish color is this rich dark green, A-England St. George from the Legends Collection. Plus I got three other green colors. Hahaha!
{Image from Makeup Withdrawal}

On High Standards & Quality of Living

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I regularly read the site "The Simply Luxurious Life" and this article caught my attention simply because most of what it said cover the principles in life that I hold dear.

The article has cited 10 examples of high standards and high quality of living:

  1. Fuel your body with food that is from the earth – eliminate all processed foods and refined sugars. 
  2. Choose to surround yourself with people who are positive, hopeful, honest and inspiring. 
  3. Purchase clothing that is made well, will last more than one season and fits your signature style.
  4. Fewer items in your closet, yet all items are worn consistently, are high quality and therefore, give you many more stylish options. 
  5. A home that has less square footage and not worrying about impressing the neighbors. 
  6. Saving up for one quality vacation every year (or every other year) that offers many opportunities for widening of perspective. 
  7. Finding downtime to relax and recharge so that when you do socialize for fun and at work, you are your best self. 
  8. Not following the crowd. Not because you want to be different, but because something else is more interesting, more comfortable or sits better with your conscience, interests or tastes. 
  9. Say less, but when you do speak, be clear and sincere about what you say. 
  10. A handful of dear friends, who you may not see all of the time, but each knows the other will be there for them in good and bad times.
The full article is found HERE.

I highly recommend checking out the site regularly. I love it, I'm sure you guys will love it too!

Sep 26, 2012

Monroe is Here!

Today I received my two latest polishes from Picture Polish, and boy I was so happy upon seeing them!

I got Monroe and Kryptonite and thank goodness I did not hesitate getting these two. I was torn what to wear between the two, but decided to try Monroe first as it was initially the one I wanted to get. It was a beauty!

I didn't use a high def camera so it looked a bit dull but believe me when I say the color is fantastic. Try googling it as there are loads of photos with even better quality. It just check out the FB or website of Picture Polish. I can't wait to try Kryptonite! PS: just got my post office notification that my package has arrived. I scrambled so fast, almost tripped and needed a knee walker. Hahahaha! A-England loot, come to mama! PPS: it's official. I've traded fashion for nail polish. I am officially addicted, especially to holo polishes!

Sep 22, 2012

Autumnal Equinox Blessings

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Equal hours of light and darkness 
we celebrate the balance of Mabon, 
and ask the gods to bless us. 
For all that is bad, there is good. 
For that which is despair, there is hope. 
For the moments of pain, there are moments of love. 
For all that falls, there is the chance to rise again. 
May we find balance in our lives as we find it in our hearts.

Sep 17, 2012

Blogging as Income Generating

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I've read a couple of blogs lately, each of the bloggers wanting to monetize their blogs or be a major source of income for them. When I was a housewife I tried to find ways on how to earn from blogging, but eventually my interest died down because of the amount of work that needs to be done in order to do so. Aside from these, statistics needs to be looked into. Good thing there are a couple of services out there such as report engine services and site stats to help out bloggers. But again, I just wanted blogging to be fun for me, not as a chore that needs to be maintained because of its earning capability. Sure, having extra funds is good, but I guess blogging for income is probably not in my priority list, for now at least. This is not to say that I will not go down this road in the future. Right now, though, as it has always been, I'm just blogging for me. AS a journal, as a haven, as my own lavender fields, away from the turmoils of life.

Sep 16, 2012

Picture Polish: Monroe

Just when I thought I'd be done with nail polishes after hoarding a couple of a-England polishes, here comes Picture Polish in Monroe...

{Image from I am Anaa}

Ack! Of course I gotta have this! I asked the supplier already when this will be available so that I can get my hands on one. Sheesh, I think it's gonna be weeks until I get hold of it, but hey. I'm patiently waiting!

I think I am now a certified nail polish addict. Noh?

Sep 10, 2012

A-England Nail Polishes

I seriously need help because I have developed a really mean addiction.... Nail polishes! It's kinda obvious because lately I've been blogging more about nail polishes... a little much more than usual. You can't blame me, because there are a lot of really good nail polishes right now, I'm amazed people can resist hoarding!

Case in point, this latest nail polish brand that I just discovered recently (as in yesterday)... A-England! 

Check out A-England's website or even google the nail polish names and you'll get why I'm so into this brand, I purchased a lot in one go.

 Here's the Legend Collection...

I got the St. George, Dragon, and Princess Sabra.

Look how gorgeous St. George is...
{Image from Makeup Withdrawal}

Princess Sabra is love too...
{Image from Pointless Cafe}
And Dragon....
{Image from The Swatch-aholic}

I also got Lady of the Lake, Morgan Le Fey, and Tristam from the Mythicals Collection.

Check out Lady of the Lake...

And Morgan Le Fey

I can just imagine I'd be having lots of fun topping my other nail polishes with this!

Ack. If only I had enough moolah, I would have purchased all of them. Seriously. ALL. Hahaha!

I can't wait till they arrive. I just hope Customs won't charge me that much for these babies! Now that would take a lot of prayers, walking towards the altar passing by lots of church chairs in order for that to happen. Hahahaha! Joke!

Sep 3, 2012

Fall Is Here

Hahaha, as if it really is here in Pinas. Anyways, what way to celebrate than to get some Fall loot...

F/W 2012 Recent Loot

Yes, I can't help it. No matter how hard I tell myself, SAVE to buy a house, I can't. I guess I do not have self control over these kinds of lovely things. But I have to, or else I'll grow old broke huhuhuh. Anyways, I'm happy at least. Instant gratification at its finest. PS: Multiply can be your sweetest worst enemy. Especially when it comes to instant gratification for nail/makeup fetish. ACK.

Anyways, check this out. Latest inspiration (and all the more reinforcement of) for the wine lip trend... Kate Bosworth!
On her lips: NARS Volga

Image from Style Meromy

Sep 1, 2012


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No matter how much I try to count my blessing because I know I am blessed, I cannot help but feel that I'm the unluckiest person on earth.