Jan 26, 2013

Father Daughter Go Camping

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Eanna's class had a field trip in La Mesa Dam, where daughters are accompanied by their fathers to do that father-daughter bonding. Although I felt sad because mommies were not allowed to join, I was happy in a way that there was a whole day where it was just between my two babies.

My hubby was so nervous and excited at the same time. He wanted to be in full gear, even went as far as suggesting to have matching red shirts for the two of them. Hahaha. We went to shops just to check out the best Gregory packs out there, but since we found none, we just got the most durable looking backpack.

Anyways, here are some pics...

I wish there'd be a mother-daughter bonding too. But hey, everyday is just that!

2013 New Year's Resolution

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There is only one.

Well at least when it comes to health.


Me, the housewife circa late 2010.

Vain na kung vain, but I need to get back.

Exercise: will do.
Yoga: will do.
Lessen food intake: will do.
Meditate: check.

Jan 24, 2013

Inner Beauty

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2013 Inspiration to Diet

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Seriously. I'm out of control. I need an inspiration.

Shall I go back and try again the Lemonade diet???

Jan 20, 2013

Emerald: 2013 Color of the Year


My birth stone, my favorite color.

And now the color of the year!

Can 2013 be any better than this!

Home Redesign for 2013

I plan to redesign our home this 2013. yes, for the longest time I wanted to do this, but due to other priorities, this plan was shelved. This year, I really really hope this will come into fruition.

I was a bit (ok a lot) disappointed that our kitchen renovation didn't push through last December. And Now it seems that my white kitchen will be delayed, for a few more weeks (or even, *gasp* months!). However, I think that things happen for a reason, and I believe that my white kitchen will come to Mama at the right time.

Anyways, back to the home design. I am sooo torn between two seemingly the same, but altogether designs, by Tina Periquet and Ivy & Cynthia Almario. They are my favorite interior designers, really. How I wish I have their design minds, hahaha.

Anyway, here's my inspiration from Tina Periquet. I saw this Parisian-style condo design from Condo Living magazine. I so love it. very put together, very Parisian....

The overall design looks so put together, noh?

The second design is from Ivy & Cynthia Almario. I love the colors used: champagne for the living and dining areas, then subdued colors in the private areas...

Imagine entering this soothing bedroom with tabac cologne scent in the air!

I'm now inspired to have my kitchen done like this:

Argh. Super torn. Although I really like the overall put-together-ness of the design of Tina Periquet, I'm in love with the colors and mood of the interiors made by the Almario sisters.

Any which way, I want to have a home that's more homey, something that not only I, but both my daughter and husband will look forward to going home to.

Reaching the Top

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Super proud moment for me. Check out my 5 year old daughter working it for the first time!

I was really scared, but she was very determined to reach the top. And she did!

2013, Here I Come!

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Happy Happy New Year!

I am so looking forward to 2013!

First, I have a new job. Well, actually, a new old one. See, I've been in this role before, and after three years of swearing off of it, fate moved last December (a little too fast actually, hahaha), and so here I am. Nope, I didn't transfer to a new company... just a different business unit. :) But I think, feel, and believe that things will turn out great this year. I'm soooo positive about it. In all aspects, that is: love and marriage, career, and personally.

Second, my baby girl is going to be Grade 1 this June. Imagine, she will be in Elementary. Gosh, next thing I know, she's a teener. Argh. But I'm super proud of my daughter. Very smart, very loving, very charming, very naughty. Hahaha.

Third, I look forward to an even deeper and loving relationship with my husband. I think that we are on the right track, haha. Yes, there were many challenges and I'm sure there will be lots more in the years to come. But, I don't know, it seems that we are closer than ever.

Last (or maybe not last, because I feel that lots of blessings will come our family's way!), I'm so looking forward to the further advancement of my husband's career. I look forward to the day when I officially call him... "Oh Captain, My Captain!"

No resolutions this year, I will take things by the day, and be thankful for all the blessings (whether big or small, they are all blessings!) that will come.

Here's to love, happiness, good health, and prosperity!

Jan 18, 2013

Rock n Roll for Kids

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There's this "shop" in Powerplant mall that provides music lessons to kids, and I'm wondering if I should enroll my little girl. She has always been very inclined to music (and musical instruments), from piano to violin, to anything that fancies her. She sometimes even makes production numbers complete with ticket stubs and lighting, hahaha!

It's nice that she has interest in music, something I would proudly say, came from me (and my family). Hahaha. Husband just likes listening, but I don't think he knows how to play any instrument. Hehehe. My brothers were very much into music too, taking up guitars (both acoustic and electric), piano, and drums (boy, did my brother hit those fantastic Sabian cymbals!).

Hubby would say, probably not now, since we do not have enough space to store musical instruments, but later, if my dear daughter really would love too, I will not hold her back. Not even if what she will fancy are drums!