May 6, 2008

The Hubby Tag

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Karla tagged me... Here goes...

How long did you date? 1 1/2 years total, but only 5 months in person.

How old is he? 32 turning 33 this August

Who eats more? ME!!!

Who said “I love you” first? He did. :P

Who is taller? He is, by around 5 inches?

Who sings better? ME!!!

Who is smarter? Well, he says I am academically smarter but he's more street smart than me. Whatever.

Whose temper is worse? HIS! gash. I sometimes get so surprised how mild-looking he is but a dragon when mad.

Who does the laundry? We don't do our laundry. But if our housemate won't be around, both of us will have fun doing the laundry.

Who does the dishes? When we didn't have our housemate, I do the dishes, he cleans the pans, the stove, the oven. When I got pregnant though, he did the dishes too.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me. But when he wakes up to attend to Eanna, I transfer to the left side. Then early in the morning he goes back to the left side. Hehehe.

Who pays the bills? He does. :P Whenever I do, I charge him afterwards. Nyahaha.

Who cooks dinner? ME!!!

Who drives when you are together? He does.

Who is more stubborn? I think I am more stubborn. The bull-headed earth Taurean that I am.

Who kissed who first? He did! But wait... I kissed him back, so is it a tie?

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Sadly... Me...

Whose parents do you see the most? Mine I guess, coz our family has a lot of get-togethers. But we make it a point that we visit my in-laws regularly too.

Who proposed? Hmm... Him? Hahaha. Yes, it was him.

Who is more sensitive? In what terms? If it means easily getting hurt and all, I guess it's me. Drama Queen, remember???

Who has more friends? Equal uumber I guess?

Who has more siblings? I do. I have 3 sibs, he has 2.

Who wears the pants in the family? I always say, feel, and believe he does. Well, whenever he's here. But when he's away, I'm the Queen. :P

Ok, so now I'm tagging Liv, Jen, Melissa, Che and Autumn.