May 10, 2008

Company Expansion

1 comment    
We had a staff yesterday and our President has confirmed of our company's expansion plans. Since we will be having new vessels in the next 2 or 3 years (more than 20 perhaps!), the demand for more crew and the need for more shore-bases staff would likewise be inevitable. For one, transferring to a new building is a likely possibility, as 4 floors seemed to be not enough for our expansion. Currently we own our building, and maybe we will be buying another one with more floors or at least bigger area. Salary and benefits package are also being reviewed both for shore based and ship-based staff. Hallelujah right? Hahaha. Kidding. But hey, it's about time to review our remuneration package and see if ours is still competitive compared to other companies (ahem ahem ahem).

Organization wise, there will be also be review on our procedures, policies, bpm, and organization chart as a whole. It seems that the next few years will both be challenging and yet exciting (and rewarding I hope!) for all of us. At least however, I am quite sure that our company is a growing company, where job security is quite a certainty and career progression is definitely a possibility.


* said...

For office based staff, to compare whether salary is competitive, we use Mercer globally. You may suggest this to your HRD. It's quite useful to know where you are as compared to other multinational companies.

Told you we work in the same industry, right? We also have a crewing office (maersk crewing) but i work in the liner size.