May 14, 2008

The Next Bride?

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I don't know, for some reason I thought of one of my best girlfriends today and I couldn't help but think that maybe she's going to be the next bride. Nyahahaha. I had a talk with her during our most recent get together and I seriously told her that I can see her (and I'm predicting) getting married either this year or next year, at the latest. Though she was "shocked" with what I just said, I could see her eyes twinkling like crazy.

Gash, she really is in love. It's as if I'm seeing myself in her. You know, the time when I was getting married. Sprakling eyes, wide wide smile, blushing cheeks. I'm soo happy for my dear friend. I don't want to preempt this but I can't wait to help her with her own wedding preps. Hahaha, too advanced thinking eh? I would even volunteer planning for her bridal shower, as form of thank you because she made my bridal shower really memorable. She's very very creative, and she even made too cute bridal shower invitations not only for me but for our other friend who also got married.

Here's mine...
Yes, I know, I know, I'm getting a little too excited. But what can I do, I miss planning for occasions like these! Hahaha. Well, maybe I should focus first on what to do for Eanna's first birthday. Hmm. Now that's another thought. :D