Jul 16, 2008

Rants for the Day

Ok, I just have to rant about these things that bugged me for the past few days:

Can I dart their hands?
While driving, the people inside the car in front of me must have thought that the street is one big garbage can, this “hand” tossed trash outside the window. What the???? I thought this was sooo “out” already, especially since there is a growing movement to be more environment-friendly and to observe cleanliness. Gash, I secretly wished I have darts or tiradors so that I can target those nasty hands. Nyahahaha.

I really try hard not to post anything political or religious, but heck, I feel it really is the height of being thick-faced that GMA has appointed Mr. Neri as head of SSS. Hello, just because the ZTE scandal hasn’t been the talk of the town for a while now, doesn’t mean we Filipinos have forgotten the issue. Gash. What is this government doing?

I am Catholic alright, but oftentimes, I just wish the Church will rethink about the stand when it comes to use of contraceptives. Poverty is one of the major problems (or is it the biggest? Oops, corruption I guess is the No. 1) faced by the country, and we have to seriously address this. The Church said that education about natural family planning is more important than outright saying use of contraceptives is ok (yeah, because it might be abused especially by those curious youth). There is a point… but still. I don’t know, I can’t fully express it but I hope that there will be some resolution. I really am torn about this issue though.

Gasoline prices
Gash, I have no more words to speak (or type) when it comes to gas prices. GRRRRR.

More rants, but I prefer to minimize them. Hahaha.


Anonymous said...

agree agree agree Van! also w/ the contraceptives part..i am torn in that...

also, may tag pala ako sayo forgot to tell you ahahah
it's HERE

Marissa said...

Hay naku Van, that's one of the things that I really get frustrated with in relation to the Catholic Church. Some people before used to say if you were on the pill you couldn't receive communion pa. I mean artificial contraception is something that I believe can help us achieve quality of life by being able to really plan out our kids in order to provide them with the best we have to give. Arrggh.