Jul 1, 2008

Grilled Salmon and Arugula Salad

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It's been a while since I last posted a recipe, so here's one now. I had this for dinner last night (sorry, no picture) and got the salmon recipe from FoodTV.com. The arugula salad, I drew inspiration from the one that I had when i ate in Pepato a few years back... Very simple but yummy!

Grilled Salmon with Sherry Vinegar and Honey Glaze

1 cup Sherry Wine Vinegar
1/4 Cup Honey
2 Tbsp Dijon Mustard
1 Tbsp Chile Powder (original recipe calls for ancho chile powder)
Salmon Filltes (4 pcs maximum)

Reduce the vinegar in a saucepan over high heat, until it is only about 1/4 cup. In a bowl, mix the vinegar with the honey, mustard, chile powder. Season with salt and pepper. Let it rest for around 30 minutes (I didn't.. too hungry already). Heat the grill. Brush the salmon steaks with the glaze. Grill 3 minutes on each side for medium cooking.

Another version of the recipe adds 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce. Will try this next time.

Simple Arugula Salad with Honey Dressing

Arugula greens good for 2 (if you find this too bitter, use baby romaine)
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
juice of 1/2 lemon (sorry, I really like a little sourness to it!)
around 2 tbsp honey (depends on your taste)
Shaved Parmesan cheese

Mix the oil, lemon juice, and honey. Pour over the greens. Drizzle with shaved parmesan cheese.



* said...

Yeah, Pepato is good. ;)

I love arugula too in any salad.