Jul 4, 2008

Delayed HK Plans

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I feel a bit bad right now. Looks like our HK trip will be delayed to a later date because I have to attend the seminar for all employees, and the schedule is in conflict with our trip. Well, I secretly hoped before that our family trip will be delayed to some other time, when Enrique is already here. First, I always want to be with Enrique whenever I travel. Second, both of us do have travel plans (you know, second honeymoon), so maybe this can be a 2-in-1 thing. At least we don’t have to buy HK travel guides because my Dad knows HK and we need not feel our way into the city. Oh well, whatever will be, will be right? If ever I push through with going to HK without Enrique, then I would have to suggest that both of us go to another place for our canoodle-fest Round 2. Hehehe.