Jul 8, 2008

10 Months

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After a long, hard, and tiring day at work, the only thing I wanted to do was go home and cook the food for our celebration of our angel's 10th month. I prepared the menu yesterday but we didn't push through with it. As soon as I started heating the water for our pasta, my MIL texted me that she ordered pizza and delivery guy was already on his way to our place. Really, she is really such a great MIL. Not to mention she raised my beloved lover husband, and boy she did well. So it really wasn't a suprise that she'd be very good to our little family. Favorite child, favorite grandchild? Nah. Ha ha.

Anyway, I decided to forego our cooking plans and just opted to cook chicken lollipops with, dig this, tamarind sauce as our dip. Yummy! Of course, Eanna didn't take the sauce. But she surely enjoyed the chicken and the pizza!


Our baby is really growing up fast. Time flies so fast. In two months she'll be a year old. Wow. Can I cry now? I'm getting sentimental here. Ha ha!

Ok... Logging off now. Until tomorrow...