Jul 13, 2008

Mall-less Weekend

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This weekend I have decided to just stay at home and be the lazy person that I am (haha). I felt that after I had another purchase when I went to Powerplant to have dinner with my parents and sibs, I was still weak whenever temptations faced me. Save for going to the grocery (which in itself was still a temptation - gash I bought so much again), the idea of going to the mall meant I would most likely drool over clothes, shoes, and bags that I knew I wouldn't be able to resist.

It was a good decision though, because not only I was able to enjoy a much-needed rest and nap hours, I was also able to fully enjoy my little baby. We danced, we walked, we cooked, we stayed in our balcony (except when it rained hard that we even had to bring in our outdoor furniture), we played like crazy. It would have been the most ideal weekend, except that dear husband, lover, and father wasn't with us. Oh, I should stop pining over that because it would get me depressed over and over. Anyway, this morning we walked going to the Church to hear Mass, a first for Eanna to walk the streets of a city. I however gave up upon reaching the parish, so when Mass ended and we had to go home, we just took the tricycle. Another first ofr our little angel. Hahaha.

We stayed at home for a bit before going to my in-laws' place for lunch. They were very very happy to see the little Enriquita, and boy did my baby didn't disappoint. She's such a sweetheart! Later we're off to my Grandma's house for dinner. This week really started out well, and I thank the Lord for it. I pray that the rest of the week would be a wonderful and blessed week for us.