Apr 10, 2008

My Lavender Fields

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Wow, I just realized that this blog is already 4 years old. I never thought that I would keep a blog this long. Actually, I had previous blogs, or what they used to call "online journals" prior to this blog, but for some reason, updating them didn't quite appeal to me. Then when I made this blog, there were so many things that can be done that blogging became more of one way to unwind, to release whatever feelings I had and all. This blog has been with me through thick and thin, my ups and downs, my best and worst. Most importantly, it witnessed how my relationship with Enrique started and bloomed.

In boring days, I used this blog to keep me busy - posting test results and revamping the blog's looks. In hectic days, I used it to rant and vent out my frustrations.

Truly, this blog is my very own lavender fields, fields where I can relax and be myself. A place where I can reflect on my dreams, my hopes, my fears, my life.

Wait a minute... Why am I being sentimental anyway... Uhm... I don't know. Or maybe I do know, I just don't know how to put it into words.