Apr 7, 2008

Missing Eanna

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It's been days since the last time I am with my baby girl (5 days to be exact), and I am sorely missing my little angel. I know, I know, before I left yesterday I got to see, kiss, hug, and play with her, but it was really just a short time. Good thing I'm now on my way back to Manila. I hope she's still awake when I get back, beause I really really want to play with her for even just a short while before she sleeps. You know, see her smile and all.

I'm now here in the boarding area, and fortunately there's free internet access. I immediatley checked out my baby's pictures (my camera pics aren't enough, really), and my longing to be with her grew even stronger. I want to go home now!!! Fast!!! *Sigh*

Anyway, I will be posting entries on my trips. They were fun, but of courseit would've been better if my husband and my angel are both with me. But for now, I guess I'm by myself for a ouple of hours. Eanna, wait for me. I'm coming home real soon... *Sigh*