Apr 24, 2008

5 Things I Want My Kids To Know Before They Grow Up

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ConCon tagged me!

List the 5 things you want your kids to know before they grow up.

Hmm... should I be serious with my answers? Oh well, here are my answers:

1. Know the 10 Commandments and the 7 Beatitudes. You know, be a good Christian, be a good human being.
2. The Golden Rule by Confucius
3. Love others as I have loved you - Jesus Christ
4. Celebrate life and constantly look for the joy and goodness in living always.
5. Do everything in moderation.

Here are my shallow answers (sorry I can't help it):

1. Learn to dress well, have proper hygiene and body care. No harm in starting young!
2. When you eat, focus on eating. Savor your food. One rason why I don't believe in lunch meetings. That's disrespect for the food you are having.
3. Don't be a drama queen like Mama (me).
4. Know how to cook. Sinigang, Pasta
5. Master 1 alcoholic drink and stick to it, so you won't get drunk. You know what things happen whenever one does!

I'm tagging you guys: Jen B., Jen S., Olivia, Melissa, Nikki, Peachy, Autumn