Mar 25, 2009


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We have recently noticed that Eanna is becoming to be a certified brat, especially when we're around. She lords over us, really. She bullies us into doing things, like her pulling our hand to go to her room, or her pulling our finger to fast forward a video she is watching. Or her wanting to feed herself, rather than us feeding her. If we hesitate, she whines like crazy and frowns at us. Goodness gracious.

Yet, her yaya tells us that she's such an angel when we're not around. She also noticed that when we are around, Eanna does get a bit bratty, something that she's not doing when we're not around. I've read in Babycenter that this is normal as it shows that the baby shows her true feelings and is not scared to show her feelings to us (you know, trust issue). BUT... It kind of gets a little tiring. Just when you are having a short break, she'll brat her way into getting what she wants. And the whining. Whew. Plus, when we're around, she doesn't want to be with her yaya. Grabe. We love that her attention is on us, but still. Grabe.

All part of being parents, I know. But please... I don't want my little dalaga to be a bratinella.

Eanna @ 7 months... first sign of being a bratinella...