Aug 20, 2008

The Independent Kid

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Yesterday, I was raving about my little girl taking a few steps before holding on to something. Last night however, her Nanny told me that she was walking by herself in the hallway, back and forth! I couldn't believe it buy then and there I witnessed her walking for a long time by herself! And when I tried to carry her, she moved as if she wanted to be put down. When I did and tried to old her hand, she took it out and walked without support. Honestly, i felt very happy for her achievement, but at the same time felt sad because that's one thing that she'd be independent of me already. *Sigh*
Well she ain't that gonna be independent... (Mother in denial hahaha). When she grows up I'd make sure her phone has a GPS system for me track her down anywhere, anytime. Sneaky Mom. Hahaha.