Jun 19, 2010


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My group of really close friends had a gathering last night and boy it was a truly fun evening, something we should do on a regular basis. Aside from the usual lively conversation (about married life and how to lose weight, among others, good food and booze, we got to play Tekken 6, thanks to our hosts's to-die-for gaming system. Yep, really really lovely one. It made me want to buy a gaming console too, hahaha. But anyways, aside from the fun time, it was a special moment for me because I was reunited at last with one of my best friends...

Meet Tequila Rose, my long lost best buddy.

Hehehe. You know, if I am not driving, I probably downed this whole bottle. Hahhaha. Just kidding. But hey, before anyone berates me for drinking and driving... I sobered up before we called it a night (hmmm, do you still call 1:30 "night" hehehe!). My fingers, especially my thumbs are sore though, thanks to playing Tekken.

Anyways, I look forward to our next gathering. Really, this should be regular again, like old times!