Jun 6, 2010

4 Women, Rolled Into 1

I watched Sex and the City 2 with my sister last night, and I surely had fun watching the 4 different but very interesting ladies (and the men too) as they move on with their lives. I enjoyed the film not because of the plot, but because of how the characters - how they evolved, their style, their friendship, their different personalities.

I could very well relate to all 4 of them, and it seemed that this movie was a reflection of how I am now as a woman. Hahaha.

The Carrie in Me
My ex-bf once told me that I should watch the Sex and the City series because Carrie reminded him of me. Probably because of the fashion but more because of the psyche and how I think, act and feel. Drama queen at its finest? Hahaha.

Now though I can still see myself in her character because of her view on things (yeah, I guess the ex-bf was right). I'm still fairly new to marriage and the husband and i are still feeling our way on what works best for us. Sometimes I do get paranoid that my dearest lover would think of me as bitch-wife (nyehehehe). I do remind him about our furniture. I disliked it when he's always in front of the TV (that's of course pre-laptop and pre-wifi days hahahah). Of course our difference was that I cook. Hehehe. Oh by the way, I don't like it when my hubby is away (or at whenever I think that he's trying to stay away from me hahaha) but i do ask for me-time. Unfair, eh? Hahaha.

Then of course the interests: I love fashion. I love writing - journalling, blogging, making articles. And I think it's quite obvious by now that decorating homes is my passion.

The Charlotte in Me
With Charlotte, I saw me as a mother and home maker. I try to keep our household together, while dealing with mommy issues and trying to make it seem like everything is fine. but like Charlotte, not everything is fine.

I did cry a couple of times because of my little girl. Don't get me wrong, I love her sooo much but no matter how a darling she may be, she stretches my patience to the ultimate limit. And sometimes, I feel guilty because of these thoughts - you know, just having me-time, getting angry (at myself for getting getting angry). I often wondered how mothers with no nannies were able to go through with raising their kids. I experienced 2 weeks of no helpers nor nannies and I almost went insane.

The Miranda in Me
Aside from her being a mom, I related to her being a career woman. Don't get me wrong. My Boss gave me all the opportunities to work independently and shine. However, there came a point in time when I felt that I had to choose between reaching the top and caring for my family. I chose what is more important to me. However, there are times when I missed working. But yeah when I was still working, I was glued to my work, even on off days. Emails, phone calls, texts. Ack. Ok, I think I'm done with that. Hahaha.

The Samantha in Me
Well.... this is a GP blog ok, so I can't really say much hahahaha. More into sensuality though rather than raw sexuality. After all, I'm still 30 something, right? Yohoo... hubby... Hahahaha. But I do get her point on trying to "preserve" her youth. I love love her character as it gives the audience super laugh trips.

This is one movie that I will probably never tire of watching. Speaking of which... Hmm, maybe I should download all episodes. Got the first movie DVD. Can't wait for me to get the latest one!