Mar 20, 2010

Eanna's "Graduation" at Julia Gabriel

It was the end of Term 3 of the Julia Gabriel Play Club last Friday, and though it was a happy event, I felt a  small gush of sadness because the teachers, staff, kids, and their parents already became endeared to us. Goodbyes aren't exactly good scenes, right? Hahaha.

But anyways, here are some pictures taken during that day. The last day's theme was "summer fun" where kids are clad in their swimsuit attire for some water fun.

Unlike the Christmas party last December, it was just a simple get together of the two classes (last December all of the students gathered for the event, and there were no formal invitations nor goodies/freebies). It was still pot luck, and as was the last party, there were lots of food. Heheheheh.

Anyways, it was a very good experience not only for Eanna both also for me as well. Since I attended all the classes, I was able to learn a few tricks on how to teach my little girl using play. Aside from this, I got to learn (again) children's songs so that I could sing these with Eanna even after class. All her art works are posted in her room's walls, as reminder for us how far she'd gone, thanks to Julia Gabriel.

Of course, I only wished the husband was here, but hey, no use pining over it right.

So before I go into EMO mode again, cheers for now!