Jul 5, 2006

The Quest for the Right Bag

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Last weekend I dropped by Greenbelt 4 to buy the bag I have been salivating for lately... Nope, not the LV Batignolles, but a simple Gucci bag. I wanted this bag eversince I saw someone carrying it. When i finally decided on buying one... wahhaaaa! It was out of stock! And since I wanted the bag with the tan-orangey leather trim, the Gucci person told me he's not sure if it will ever be reproduced. Wahaaa!

I wanted to go to LV and check out how much the Batignolles was, but then I had to leave since the agreement was for my family to drop me off and wait for me, before going to Powerplant.

And so I got a little depressed, which is weird because I wasn't really a "bag lady." But for some reason, for the past few weeks, I have been pining over luxury bags. And since now that I was recently regularized at work, my yearning to give myself a luxury piece grew all the more.

Anyway, if my budget will not be stretched that much, my alternatives are:

Chloe: via net-a-porter

I love these Autumn/Fall 2006 Bags! Look at the buttery leather! However, they are not available yet, and I think buying this will really be a streeetch...

And yet another one... from the pre-fall collection

Now from Louis Vuitton...

I first thought of buying an LV last year, when I saw this bag carried by a chic Singaporean in, well, Singapore. I was shocked however by how much it cost, given that this bag was a bit small. But hey, that's LV right?

Now that I have reason to splurge a bit, I am contemplating on getting it. But then, I also like the Batignolles as it is roomy...

And this Pleaty Bag too...
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Anyway, I thought of other reasons why to splurge now than later....

1) Enrique cannot stop me from buying one, since we're not yet married. Hehehe.
2) Even if Enrique won't stop me, I will probably lose interest since I would be more focused either in saving or in purchasing household furniture.

Sigh... Now I'm beginning to think again...To buy or not to buy... But still, the quest is still on!