My day was going so well, up until I called up my credit card company (CC) to inform them I have faxed them my certificate of employment (COE). ARGH!
Early this year, I have advised the CC that I transferred to another company, and that my bill should just be sent to my home address. They informed me that i needed to send them a COE for them to verify and update my records. I totally forgot about it, since I rarely use that card.
I did however get to use it last April.
Yesterday, I called up the CC to ask when my cut-off date was, because my Mom planned to buy her shoes using my credit card. The CC phonebanker informed me the date, and again told me to fax my COE asap or else my card will be temporarily put on hold. I asked why the COE was still needed, and isn't my reporting enough. That guy attendant told me (and I think it was bad taste) that when I first called last February, I asked the same questions, and so he'll tell me again that it's their policy. I was quite shocked by this and a bit irritated, but I obliged to send it to them the next day (today).
Today, I faxed to them my COE. They told me yesterday to call up after 30 minutes after sending it to them. So that's what I did, and here's what happened...
They said they have received the COE and will update my records. In the meantime, my card will be put on hold, and I have to call after 5 banking days to confirm whether it's reactivated or not.
I was a little irritated again because first of all, they wouldn't know I transferred to another company if I didn't call them in the first place! I told the person that had I not reported to them last time, I wouldn't be inconvenienced this way. And that sh!t about putting my card on hold? Duh, I have used my card last April, so it means they just remembered putting it on hold only yesterday. I'm irritated because I called up yesterday and asked about cut-off dates because, like I said earlier, my mom wanted to buy these shoes that was on sale and wanted to use my card for it (for the installment and all... Yeah, it's on sale but still expensive). I told the person just that, that I called because I wanted to buy something after the cut-off date. But no... She insisted that my card is on hold till approved. ARRGH!
And what's this thing about me calling up after 5 days for me to know whether the card's reactivated (meaning their credit evaluator approved it) or not... as if I owe it to them that they gave me this stupid credit card, of which most of the time I had zero balance anyway (currently that's my balance, I promptly pay in full). How arrogant can they be! I just got that card so that if I wanted to buy designer items, I could pay these in installments (3 months) with no interest, so I don't have to shell out the cash immediately. Anyway, in short, they put it on hold, they should be the one to call.
And like I said, I wouldn't be in this position if I didn't report to them I transferred to another company. Geesh. My honesty was returned by this sh!t from them. It's so funny, the person even told me it's just rare that people call them up and tell them their changes. If that is so, then I deserve more than this! I was so tempted to just say... "Why don't I just cut my credit card account because you guys are so freaking arrogant to think I owe you guys this card, after what I did?" You know, arrogance be dealt with by arrogance.
I am really nice and cordial to customer service personnel, but when I sense that they are putting me in a bad situation, I really get a little bia-tchy and all. So now, if tomorrow I'm still ticked off by what happened, I might as well cut that card.
Seriously, I don't need it anyway.
Jul 11, 2006
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