I got to check out some stuff and gash... I am digging those boots. Mom however told me to be practical: "when will you wear that, it's a hot country?" True true. Still, I couldn't shake that feeling of wanting to get hold of them boots...

Saw some booties but Mom said the same thing. Grrr...

Here's me giving up on fitting (sis stole a shot)

And here's me and my sibs...

I didn't bring Eanna because we were also out the whole day. We went to Glorietta for a change (forever Powerplant noh!) and dropped by the Assumption Bazaar in Intercon to get the baby pouch J and I purchased. Speaking of that, it was an amazing pouch... up until later that night. My back started aching. I guess I'm not used to it but will give it another try. Sayang naman right?
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