Oct 14, 2010

Eanna's Krispy Kreme Field Trip

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Yes I know this is a week late, but like I always say, better late than never!

Eanna had her first taste of field trip last Thursday when their whole class went to the Fort and tour Krispy Kreme. This is in connection to their theme for this month: "Communities." Their trip was about the mall, park, restaurant, and bakery.

This was the group before we left:
With teacher Sam inside the "school bus."
Eanna knows where Krispy Kreme is Hahaha!
Hands on the back and fall in line from smallest (and youngest) to tallest!

We went inside and the kids made their own krispy kreme donuts: glazed dipped in chocolate and sprinkles!
The kids were given coloring materials too as their activity. I felt like a kid all over again hahaha. And the donuts, man, we were given about 3 pieces each, whatever we liked! Imagine the damage that causes to one's belly fats hahaha! I should click here to keep my fats from ballooning hehehe.

Another group pic before leaving Krispy Kreme

Time to go!

Well, we didn't really leave immediately after as the kids played in the park.

Overall, it was a fun experience for the kids and for adults too. What a wonderful way to teach kids about the community. Experiential!