Feb 1, 2010

Busy Busy Monday

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This morning at least.

We woke up really early to be at the DFA by 7 am. That was our appointment for us to get the latest e-Passports offered (has those chips already). Thanks to Enrik's cousin the process went a lot easier! Though there were some issues that were eventually resolved like hello, why can't a first time applicant like dear daughter have an e-Passport and only those who will renew could? Hmm, not good, but the kinks got ironed out, thanks again to dear cousin in law, and that both daughter and I will get the e-Passports in 7 days. Cross fingers there are no errors hahaha. But let me just say, Eanna loved posing for the camera hahaha! The ladies in the section totally loved her.

Next, we stopped by Delifrance to fulfill my craving of having breakfast there, plus we were starving like crazy! Then the hubby had to go to the training center to get his certificate. We went back home soon after, for Eanna to rest, and for me to do some bills payment. This one exhausted me. Who wouldn't, right? Hahaha.

Now I've got some me time since the dear girl is sleeping, but gash, it was a tiring morning huh.