Jan 25, 2010

Manic Monday #198

1 comment    

If you could only have one section of the bookstore to visit, which section would it be?
  • Difficult.... food and cooking perhaps? Torn between that and home design. oh fashion too. hmm. probably food. Hahaha!

If you could only subscribe to one publication for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  • Torn again between home design publications and fashion. Hmmm. Maybe Vogue France if I could read / understand French. Hehehehe.
What activity always makes you lose track of time?
  • Surfing the Net - either playing FB games or just surfing and tweeting!
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jo.attalife said...

Those would also have been my choices, but crafting won out. Yeah, this meme really made me choose, lol.
Please see mine here.