Feb 20, 2009

Travel vs. Bags

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Friends J & O and I have been chatting earlier (it was 60 years since we last chatted, goodness! hahahaha what an exaggeration) and have talked about retention and option to be stay a stay at home Mom. My answer was... if I'ms till itnerested in bags, then work, if not, then stay at home. It was a funny comment (half meant? haha) and O found it interesting how the bag issue fit in. Hahaha. But seriously, I corrected myself by saying that I'm more into travel - visiting other places, museums, rv parks, grand cities, than in purchasing bags, shoes, clothes, and the like. I'm now also more into home design (as always, but never had I been so hooked!) and home improvement (hello Martha Stewart Homekeeping handbook!)...

Sign of maturity? Naks. or probably not.


I just hope that the world financial and market crisis will not be prolonged, and that my little luxury of travel will be fulfilled this year. Hello again Singapore? Or Macau? Hope so.


Anonymous said...

go to singapore! :P