Today was Eanna's last day of her summer classes, and I feel a bit sad because I know Eanna has been enjoying her classes and always looks forward to going to school. I also got used to this routine of staying in her school for a couple of hours.
Anyway, their class prepared simple food that the kids themselves made (with the assistance of teachers of course!).
The kids also served these meals to their parents!
There was a scheduled parent-teacher chat too, and so we just had our lunch in a nearby restaurant, a quaint little place called Cookbook. After lunch, we walked back to the school.
Here's what we have talked about:
- Eanna is very intelligent and very independent.
- She is into a lot of things and are very focused when doing the activities: art, story-time, blocks, ABC's, etc.
- She is very friendly towards her classmates and calls them by their names. Even occasionally shares and gives toys to them.
- Very attentive and always the first to participate in their daily activities.
- Eanna however is very territorial when it comes to the stuff she plays with. Sometimes she grabs things she considers as hers, and when kids don't budge, resort to pushing.
One shocker though was an incident that happened earlier during the day. While at play in the ropes climbing area, a baby was positioned where she was staying. Eanna immediately reacted negatively and started pushing and kicking the baby and screaming. Then when she was being taken, she just held very tightly on to the ropes and screaming and crying.
Her teachers were also shocked because they said it was so out of character. Eanna usually plays along with the kids and when asked to return to the room she does so with no effort at all.
I was too shocked myself to react, upon hearing this and while on my way back to her room to console her, I was wondering what happened. Eanna adores babies and handles them with care. She kisses them and touches them. She is very generous and shares her toys to babies. She greets and says hello and is very warm to any baby, whether she knows them or not (i.e. at the mall).
I immediately felt bad because of course, I blame myself yet again for this very unpleasant scene. I must have done something wrong that triggered her bad temper, or that I have set a bad example. I don't know. I always blame myself for the "bad behavior" of my child.
But anyway, the teachers assured me that maybe the little one really did have a bad day because it was really a first for them to see her like that. She has always been sweet and friendly, save for some pushing and grabbing, which I think is a bit normal to kids her age, a stage where they become territorial with their things. I do hope that this is really an exemption and that this will not happen again. Maybe it's because she is not fully well that's why she's cranky, not to mention the fact that earlier she was "forced" to take a bath and got her teeth brushed. Sigh.
Overall though, the teachers are really impressed with Eanna and I promise that I will do my best to nurture this appetite to learn and be creative.