Nov 3, 2009

A Very Late Halloween / Nov 1 Post

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It's just now that I have got the time to post some (low-resolution) pictures taken during Halloween and our trip to the cemetery, so here goes.

As previously blogged, darling daughter spent Trick or Treating in Megamall. It was an unplanned thing because we initially went there just to buy her a costume and buy me a laptop. But she was so curious about the kids running around, so I just told the Nanny that they join as well. The costume actually is for a later Trick or Treating in my Aunt's village (cancelled though, I got sick... what's new).

The next day, we went to the cemetery to visit my Grandpa. Ugly low-res pictures again (thank goodness my sister bought a camera, though too late for Halloween / cemetery).

Yup, that big chunk of whatever is my face. I have ballooned again (got lazy in exercising, as expected). Is there an available thermogenic fat burner to help me? Gash. Hubby is coming home soon and I will probably be likened to a big cushion when he sees me. Well, probably I'm exaggerating again, but still. Shucks, beginning to be conscious hahaha!

Anyway, I got to take a pic of Eanna and my nephew Aden. They love making faces!

That's just about it. Now I am envious of my sister's new camera. Hmph.