Nov 2, 2009

First days of Being A SAHM

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Eanna greeted me with various tantrums on my first few days of being a SAHM. What a way to start a "new chapter of my life" right? I don't know, she became extra bratty and bossy these two days, coupled with her throwing things and all. I really don't know where she got that but I surely hope that she will stop doing this. if not, then I will help her in stopping this. I don't want her to develop that habit.

Anyway, today we spent almost the whole day in Megamall. One, i had to make sure my new laptop is ok (some questions that were clarified). Two, we went refrigerator-scouting... for my Mom. She's torn between getting the Inverter Vegerator of Panasonic and Samsung's side by side ref. Her decision is yet to be made, but I am excited already for her! Hahahaha. Third, my sister bought an SLR camera. I'm so happy for her! As for me, I still went to Powermac to check on my future laptop. Hahaha! Seriously, I want one. And the new iMac. love, love, love.

Speaking of gadgetry, I am so happy that finally I got to use our router. Super happy with it. I know, it's a very shallow thing, but I am happy nonetheless. Router is LOVE too. Hehehe.

As for hubby coming home... patience is a virtue. He will come home either this week or next. it's ok. At least his reliever is already onboard, and all they will do is turnover work and wait for the next loading port.

So far, I still haven't felt any difference in my days, but maybe in the next few days, I'd get to see if there are any.