Oct 25, 2009

Small Talk Six: Thanks or No Thanks

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Current topic is “6 things (good or bad) that you credit your mother-in-law for.” You can answer this with a list of 6 words, 6 phrases, 6 sentences, 6 paragraphs, 6 photos, 6 videos, etc . . .

1. Husband is her favorite child. Sometimes this doesn't sit well with hubby's sibs but I guess they have accepted the fact. Hubby does have this personality that you'd understand why he's MIL's favorite.

2. Very generous to Eanna. She's also generous and loving to the other grandkids, but maybe Eanna is extra special because hubby is her favorite??? Hahaha

3. The way she raised hubby in order for him to be who he is today.

4. Simple living and living within her means. Hubby came from a humble family.

5. Not really good... serving really fatty (thus unhealthy) food. She's not much of a veggie eater, so I'm having a hard time convincing hubby to eat some veggies. Very very very difficult task. Even pureed soup... he knows. Ack.

6. She has pampered my hubby and has given him so much attention, so hubby now expects me to do the same to him!

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Lucy postpartumillness.com said...

My in laws are number 4 too. I wish I could live so simply but I just cant.

Heres mine http://postpartumillness.com/node/172