Apr 28, 2009

What To Do While Waiting

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I'm trying to come up with a list of what to do while dear husband is away, and here's some that I've thought of...

Ack. I can't think of any. *Sigh*

Let me try again....

  1. Spring clean our closet. Donate old clothes. Promise to make more room for hubby's stuff (he complains about this all the time!)
  2. Flex my cooking muscles again. You know, international cuisine? Because E always wants Filipino food while he's here.
  3. Check out my shoes again. See if there are any that I haven't used for a long time, or I haven't used at all.
  4. Make it a point to always bring Eanna downstairs in our clubhouse and in the kids' play area. I used to be too lazy to do so.
  5. Ahem... shop?
  6. Be more positive about work... It helps to keep me busy and stop thinking about hubby being away too much.
  7. Buy a notebook and write to Eanna everyday...
  8. Buy a notebook and write to Enrik everyday...
  9. Take Eanna to Gymboree? We'll see.
  10. Plan for E and E's birthday party.
  11. Check out new restaurants and resorts for us to try. See, hubby only has 2 months vacation. We gotta maximize it. Hehehe.
  12. Shop? Hehehehe.

Ok, that's all I could think of for now. Will update this again later.