Apr 17, 2009

Update on Eanna

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We went to the doctor yesterday, and he advised us to have Eanna undergo lung x-ray and urine culture. It really is unusual that every month Eanna gets sick. Maybe UTI is being considered and the lung x-ray can possibly determine if our bebe has weak lungs. I seriously hope and pray that she doesn't have weak lungs. I refuse to believe, if ever. I mean, how else can you explain the really loud shrieks and cries (extended periods!) Eanna makes. Hehehehe.

Anyway, I'm still here at home. Am I was even crazy to think of going back to work, but in the end I realized... my daughter is my priority. So I told my boss I won't be reporting for work today.

I really hope Eanna will get well soon. And I also hope her appetite will get back. Right now she's very picky, only drinking milk, a few spoonfulls of food, and pediasure.