Jan 7, 2009

Resolutions, Resolutions

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Though I called in sick today due to my sever cold yesterday, I'm still trying to keep my busy, checking on my office mails and at the same time doing some wifey and mommy and vannie tasks here at home. Now, I have some spare time to sit back and jot down my New Year's resolutions. Naks!

Well, I hardly made resolutions for years now but maybe it is an opportune time for me to do so, and see if at the end of the year, I've kept some (or all, hahahaha).

Here goes:

1. Keep myself fit - eating healthily and exercising. For weeks months now, I've been eating non-stop real unhealthy food. Crabfat.... hello! Plus, hubby gave up on dragging me to go to the gym in our condo. I've grown quite a bit in my middle portion, so maybe it is about time for me to really focus on this and try to eat the right food (guilty food... maybe once in a while) and jiggle my booteh and arms.

2. Spring clean the house and keep only the essentials. My Grandma loves receiving old stuff from me, and I'm sure she'll be happy with the big lot I'm sending to her. Gotta get me some shipping boxes because these are a lot, and they have to be shipped to the province.

3. Don't sweat the small stuff. I am such a worry-wart, maybe I should realx a little bit more this year.

4. Like my work, but don't love it. My colleagues already called me a workaholic, and I myself think I'm beginning to be just that. I know, it's good to be dedicated and I am, really. But if I can't sleep at night thinking about the work I need to do, and keep on pondering about work during weekends and while with my family... No-no-no.

5. Be a more responsible Mom and a more loving wife. I am both, but maybe I can put these two roles up a notch or two.

6. Save money. I kept on splurging last year. Since we are in a global economic crisis right now, it might be wise to purchase the necessary and scrimp a little on luxury. Yeah right. Hahahaha.

7. Be connected to a chritable institution or to an "environment" movement. I was before, in my teens, but the organization "closed shop." I ought to check on existing movements and charities and see where I fit.

All for now, but if I can think of more, I'll blog about them too.

Wish me luck!