After what seemed like five minutes, she was pointing towards her bottles, so I thought she wanted water and gave her a bottle. She tasted, and took it out becasue what she wanted was milk. When I gave her milk, she was immediately pacified. The bleeding stopped too.
After this, it just dawned on me what happened. I was crying because I never wanted to see eanna's blood. That was a scary sight... blood gushing out of her mouth immediately after she hit the sofa
Her wound is now healing a bit, but she has this nasty gash in her chin. Her lower lip is swollen, but she's still a happy girl as she always is.

Pardon her look but she just woke up, but with her usual loveable cheerful smile 9a bit distorted though, her wound is still painful, I guess).
ow accidents do happen w/ toddlers n matter how much we try to shield them.
hope eanna's all right van.
she's growing up to be super adorable.
wow van, she's such a good kid! after what happened, all she wanted was milk?
she's going to be okay, accidents do happen :)
take care!
by the way, always been here but not commenting! :)
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