Dec 5, 2008

My Gym Experience

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After 25 miliion years and 45 million nags from my husband, I finally had the strength and will to go to the gym on the ground floor of our condo to jiggle and shake my booteh. All this ebcause of a lot of people asking how many months am I on the way. Duh, do I really look pregnant? And that pregnant? Grrr.

Anyway, I tried to remember what my gym instructor told me to do before (yes, I do own a gym lifetime membership, only because it was a benefit from my previous company), and tried to focus in exercising. I did try to keep in mind that I really have lose some pounds. 10 minutes in the walker, 2 minutes in the bike (harharhar), and about 2 minutes in that dang hard stepper (another cause of harharhar). Then I went on to lift some weights using those scary equipment. Then of course I got those small weights to work on my saggy arms. One hour later (naks!), I did some yoga stuff... my favortie part of my routine.

I felt good... until i woke up the next day with excruciating pain all voer. I remembered I tried to stretch and all but it must have been not enough because my feet and legs hurt like crazy! It ain't as serious as Plantar Fasciitis but nonetheless lack of stretching (pre- and post-) plus not using the right shoes must have been the culprit.

Ok fine, it's because my body isn't used to exercising. Hmph. Oh well. It won't stop me from going back though. It's quite fun especially if hubby is around. His kisses on the side are nice little incentives. Hahahaha.