Jun 25, 2008

Blinds With Curtains?

I have been chatting earlier with friend O and J, and our topic was J's desire to fix her living room. Since lately I've been in the mood to design while O is also busy beautifying their new pad, this topic was "easy" for us. J didn't want to do any major renovations, so we had to work on what she currently has.

This is what I have made so far for her...

A main concern though is the window treatments. She currently has blinds and is quite hesitant to add curtains. O however said she can use both.

Watcha think?


Jen said...

I posted the polyvore too on my other blog.. except I kept my original table so that it would serve as a reminder to replace asap hahaha.

I really want a table with glass. Let me know if you find anything with dark wood and a glass top :).

This is fun!

* said...

nice! how do you do that collage thing? galing...