Jun 16, 2008


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What's with me lately? I've been having a love affair with my credit card (three weeks so far!), swiping here and there for clothing, grocery, and home accessories! Just last weekend, I bought some "wants" for our home, in an effort to further prettify the place. I bought:

1. a new set of curtains,
2. a table cloth for our dining table,
3. three gilded faux fruits (pears and an apple),
4. a glass bowl to contain the fruits,
5. a fitted sheet to match our plum-colored pillows
6. a duvet filler
7. a white duvet cover (love the thread count hahaha!)

I almost bought a brand new dining table, and now I'm contemplating on buying a nice little painting as accent for our wall in the foyer. Oh, I also almost bought the stones for stone cladding the wall in our dining area, plus I'm also planning to have our sofa reupholstered (or at least have a slipcover, still in cream) as well as our dining chairs.

Goodness. This must stop noh! Am I just being hormonal or what?!?