Aug 28, 2006

Enrique's Tough Decision

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Enrique and I was able to talk last night after two days of being not ok with each other. I thought things are already ok - our wedding plans, immediate and future plans. And then he told me the news...

The Master onboard talked to Enrique and told him that he is recommending him for a promotion, provided that Enrique stays onboard at least until November.

Enrique's decision? Never mind the promotion, he will only stay until mid-October.

Reason? Because he feels that I need him badly in these times, and that he wants to help with the wedding preparations.

I was shocked, and my first reaction was... "But why? Go stay until November!"

He was a bit irritated at me and said that I should support him with all the decisions he made, makes, and will make. I asked him why he didn't consult with me, and all he said was that he just decided on it. It was later on that I realized that maybe he didn't ask for my opinion because he knows me, he knows how I think, and he knows that I will tell him to stay for the sake of his promotion. In the end, he asked me, "Aren't you happy you will see me soon?"

Of course I'm happy that he's coming home soon. But part of me was sad because I knew that because of me (me and my dang problems...), he is letting go of a promotion where only one more major step and he will become Captain. However, Enrique also told me that the Master will give him a strong recommendation for promotion so that in his next vessel assignment, he will be in that position.

My friend Liv told me that I should be thankful because it clearly shows that he prioritizes me above everything else. Yes, I am very thankful, but... *Sigh*

Anyway, all I can say is... I'm a so proud of my Enrique. I know and believe that he is a very talented, skillful, and smart person, and that opportunities are there always. I know God has better plans for both of us. Maybe now is not the right time, but I know that time will come when Enrique will fulfill all his dreams.


Anonymous said...

"Anyway, all I can say is... I'm a so proud of my Enrique. I know and believe that he is a very talented, skillful, and smart person, and that opportunities are there always. I know God has better plans for both of us. Maybe now is not the right time, but I know that time will come when Enrique will fulfill all his dreams."


You do realize that you are part of Enrique's dreams too right? And by doing what he did he is on his way to fulfilling that dream .

-- Brian