Aug 11, 2006

Dinner at Burgoo

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Last night I had dinner in Burgoo with my former w@wie friends: Jen, Jane, Arlene, and Maricel (plus Maricel's friend Cheggs(?), and Arlene's yaya). It has been a really long time since we last went out to dinner - hectic work, delicate pregnancy, mismatched schedules. But we tried our very best to finally meet up last night.

Anyway, I was really pleasantly surprised with Arlene, our preggy friend. She looked so radiant!!! I wish I could have that same radiance when it's my turn. Although she walked slowly because of her delicate condition, she still looked dang good!

The dinner was really a good meeting of friends. Stories, experiences, updates... *Sigh* it's good to be around these ladies... makes me forget for a while the problems I have...

Anyway, on a lighter note... I bought a book and a magazine to keep me from getting bored over the weekend... Yipee! Hehehe. The last two weeks I've been doing pretty much nothing after work, so I just bought a book in order to keep me preoccupied.