Jun 30, 2006

First Aid Training

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This morning our whole office had our first aid training, as part of our Basic Safety and Firefighting Training. It was a blast! The training wasn't dragging, and all of us had to do the CPR on a dummy....

The drill started with us individually tapping the dummy and asked the dummy if he is ok. When it was my turn, I said... "Brandon my love, are you ok?" People started laughing. Hehehe. Later on they remarked, you should have done well or else Superman dies. Hahaha!

Detecting if the "victim" is breathing

Doing a heart compression

Tomorrow we will go to Consolidated Training Center in Cavite to have our firefighting course. Actually, I took up this course when I was connected to my previous company last 2002. At least now this will serve as my refresher on this course.