Oct 19, 2012

Blue Moonstones

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Blue moonstones... yes, this is my current fixation. For some reason I am drawn towards it. Maybe it's because of what I posted earlier about the Celtic Tree Calendar. Hahaha.

Anyway, I ordered for a custom-made ring and hopefully I will receive it in 1-2 weeks.

It's not as exquisite as the blue moonstone used for this ring (which is uber-expensive), but I'm sure I will be very happy with my very own!

{Image from Fay Cullen}

The design for my ring would look like this:
And will have two small emeralds on both sides. :)

I wish I'd have this kind of blue moonstone (the bluer, the better, and the best coming from Sri Lanka)...
{Image from Art of Platinum}

 But hey, I don't live beyond my means (most of the time)!

I'm excited already! If everything turns out fine, then I'd post it and even "promote" the seller hahahaha!