Dec 2, 2011

Need to Lose Weight

1 comment    
And I am serious. Seriously. I have gained 15 pounds (at least) over the last year, and I don't think I even changed my eating habits.

I tried things (except exercise hahaha) ranging from the lemonade diet, to limited carbs, to whatever I can think of and I'm still this glump of jiggly fat. Check out these pics...
Fat thighs, bulging tummy, flabby arms. *Sob sob sob*.

I know I should exercise, but maybe there are still other ways.

Like this perhaps?

Or probably gardening... will my balcony do? Hahahaha. Sorry, just remembered it since I was earlier in the balcony and my herbs are slowly dying (from neglect, might need a composter to revive all my herbs naturally.


I just want to lose a couple of pounds. And eventually be thin like this woman over here.

I wish. Hahahaha! Aiming for the moon, eh?


Anonymous said...

you are fine, do not worry. but yes, do exercise, if not for appearance, for the health benefits.