Aug 19, 2010

Back from Our Vacation

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Whew. We just got back from our vacation in Canyon Cove. It was a tiring trip but while we were there, it was surely a fun and bonding experience for us. Aside from R&R, we got to try different kinds of food levels... The Good, The Bad, The Ugly! Hahaha. That's gonna be another post.

In the meantime, the hubby and I have a couple of things to do for the next few days, and one of this has to do with our car. Our car is scheduled for the much due maintenance this Saturday (or is it moved to Monday?). Aside from this, we are also looking forward to checking out an even better car insurance package when our insurance expires this November. We have been pleased so far with the previous car insurance policies we got, which pretty much covers everything. We are quite hopeful that the good package and service of the company will continue. By the time we renew ours, I hope that everything is understood and agreed upon, since again I will be the only one to arrange the papers (and payment). Hope that things will be hassle-free!