We went to Bonifacio High Street to stroll and window shop. It was a fine weather, and I was really thankful for that! Eanna enjoyed petting the dogs of people strolling, and she also enjoyed walking around and all.
The breeze helped in putting her to sleep! Though at first I was shocked about her brattiness -- imagine she forced me out of a seat in order for her to sit, noh!, she was very sweet and only wanted me to carry her and put her to sleep...

Earlier, I enjoyed the moment with one sinful dessert (my lunch!)... Krispy Kreme's Chocolate Kreme Cake with Oreo, with a small cup of Cafe Mocha...

I love this day. I just wish the husband was here with us. Oh well. Us leaving the place was perfect timing... as soon as we entered our car, raindrops fell...
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