Welcome to the September 24th version of Thursday Thunks!
This week we will answer some crazy questions brought to you by Kimber, the number 1172007 and the color of the walls in an asylum.
Yup! For some reason it became a sign for me that everything's cleaned thoroughly.

2. Do you have a long standing joke with someone that you still laugh about every time you talk to that person?
So many that I forgot one, hahahaha! With my sister though, it's more on a particular scene of the movie "The Mummy" where Brendan Fraser throws a chair at Bennie. Hahahahaha!
3. Share something that happened to you this past week that was unusual.
Well, my daughter got sick so we stayed in the hospital for 5 days. Hope this case is an "unuausl" one!
4. If you dropped a purple crayon and a green crayon off a roof, which would melt faster in the sun?
Eh??? What a question hahaha...
5. You are standing in line (grocery store, bank, etc.), and someone gets in line behind you that stinks. The stink is so bad that people in line in front of you turn around and look to see if you are the one causing the stink. Do you cover your nose, hold your breath, breathe through your mouth or just get out of line altogether?
I would probably cover my nose. If someone gives me the eye that it's me who's stinking... I would use my eyes to point towards the "culprit" but not enough for the "culprit" to know. Hahahaha.
6. If you dropped your cell phone in the toilet, would you fish it out? If so, how much soap would you use to wash your hands afterwards?
yeah i'd probably fish it out. Then soak my hands in water and soap for a looooong time, and then splash on alcohol, hand sanitizer, everything. Hahaha.
7. Sydney Australia dust storm (clicky). How long do you think it would take you to clean your house after that sort of dust storm?
Wow that's too much dust. Since we live in a condo and it's just small... maybe 2-3 days?
8. Do you think you can dance?
YES! I really do! Hahaha!
9. You are out to eat and someone across the room is staring at you. Do you get paranoid, try to ignore them, or go find out why they are staring at you?
Well, one can be bitchy and ask "Are you semi-blind you have to stare to see me, why don't you just have lasik surgery Mexico" or something like that, BUT... I just ignore. No point doing anything else.
10. Come up with a crazy, wacky Thursday Thunk question.Hmmm... For those who work. I know, end of work-week is Friday, and people sometimes take it slow and easy. But... honestly... When do you feel the laziness kicking in?
that purple and green crayon question IS an odd one I agree.
My thunking is done, hope you can stop by to visit with me this fine Thursday!!!
So sorry about your daughter. Hope she's better soon.
Have a great Thursday!
#10: Lately, everyday... I just love the cold weather. Whenever it rains all I can think of is my bed and my soft pillows. Please visit mine here. Thanks!
laziness kicks in thursday afternoon because friday is leisure day. hope your daughter is doing better
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