If there is one nu-metal band I love, it is definitely Linkin Park. Ok, I will not go into the details why I am suddenly reliving one of my favorite albums, but I mark this day as my Linkin Park Day. Hahahahaha.
[Album image from LinkinPark.Com]
Last weekend was an exciting one, because of a couple of things:
That's all, really, but I loved this weekend. Didn't go to the Malls for shopping and mall, but it as really fun.
As to internet connection, i think I would spend less if I get a connection and spend the weekends either playing with Eanna or playing FB games. Hahahahaha!
The last one, here's the story:
I was also contemplating last week in releasing her because I noted that Eanna doesn't go to her, and lets her out (forces her!) of our room, then closes the door (cleaver baby!). I also noticed that she's not that attentive to Eanna, as if she didn't want to take care of her. And at night when Eanna cries (she sleeps in our room, as well as the Yaya), she only "shooshes" her (sssht). Then when Eanna plays, that same Yaya doesn't go anywhere near Eanna. Ah basta, she's not good with Eanna. And Eanna dislikes her too, so no loss there.
What's irritating though was last night, she got two lawyers (the ones who got her for us). Apparently, our Yaya N told her that she can't leave unless she has a reliever. Yesterday morning though, Yaya J told us that she's leaving the next day and that she has found a reliever already. Anyway, Yaya N told me that she just said that and that if the reliever can be here that night, Yaya J can already leave. I got really pissed off because the two people outside our household was the one who appealed her case to me. And I really didn't like that. Plus mention the fact that I didn't like Yaya J's tone. I clearly told her she has to answer to me and me alone because I'm the one who employed her, not Yaya N, nor the two "lawyers". And I told her I have relieved people then and there so for her case, she can leave asap. Gash I was really irritated.
But again, like what i said, no love lost. Eanna doesn't like her, and Eanna is her boss. So, she's fired.
Gash. My bebe is really growing up. Too fast, I think!
Can I just tell her... "Eanna Marie, before you practice in front of the mirror... TALK FIRST!" Hahahahaha. Love my bebe to bits.
Faith is not necessary when you know how things are going to work out, - that's knowledge. It's in the time of unknowing that having faith is what sees you through to the other side. Faith is what gives you strength. Faith is that light in your heart that keeps on shining even when it's all darkness outside. Now is the time to keep that faith alive!