- Use compact flourescent light bulbs instead of incandescent or halogen lights.
- Minimize use of lights especially if you have big windows. When building a house, do keep this in mind!
- Do not waste water. Don't leave faucets running.
- Start your own herb or plant box. Grow your own herbs for cooking!
- Unplug appliances when not in use. Most important is the TV / entertainment system. Even if on standby, they still consume electricity.
- Use bayongs or the eco-friendly bags when going to the market, grocery, and when shopping.
- Use biofuel for your car.
- Segregate your waste. Use excess plastic bags in lining your waste baskets for disposal.
- Do not throw used bulbs and batteries in your regular waste bin. They should be disposed of properly (either I give them to the condo maintenance team or to our company since they have proper procedures in disposing them).
- Patronize organic products!
- Reuse paper and recycle them.
- Talk about green living to your friends and discover more ways in promoting environmental awareness - books, websites, seminars.
I'll be sharing new ways from time to time. I hope that other people will be more eco-friendly in their daily living. Like what I said in Moments, it's about time.
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